Bi-directional integration of orders, products and shipping table rates between Magento 2 and WalkTheChat CMS.
- Export products (Simple, Configurable and Virtual) to WalkTheChat CMS with fully currency rate exchange support.
- Update product inventory on WalkTheChat CMS when was ordered in Magento 2 store.
- Remove products in WalkTheChat CMS directly from Magento 2 Store.
- Import orders from WalkTheChat storefront to Magento 2 store with fully currency rate exchange support.
- Refund, Fulfill or Cancel (todo) orders imported from WalkTheChat storefront.
- composer require walkthechat/magento2-plugin-v2
- rm -rf var/* generated/*
- bin/magento setup:upgrade
- In your WalktheChat back-end, go to "Settings" / "Third-party App integration" and generate a new App
- On your Magento 2 store, go to "WalktheChat" / "Configuration section"
- Enter your WalktheChat store name
- In the "API Url" field, enter "" (don't omit the final "/")
- In the "Authorization Url" field, enter ""
- Enter your AppId and AppSecret found in your WalktheChat Third-party App
- Click "Save Config"
- Click "Connect"
- In your WalktheChat back-end, go to "Settings" / "Third-party App integration"
- Open the App you previously created
- Enter "magento_domain_name/rest/V1/walkthechat/import/order" in the "Orders Webhook" field where magento_domain_name is the url or your Magento site (starting with "http://" or https://)