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A clj-http client to integrate with Strawpoll.

This repository follows the guidelines and standards of the Wall Brew Open Source Policy.


As of 2024-03-10, this library has been deprecated and will no longer receive updates. If you wish to continue using the functionality within this library, feel free to fork this repository or to reuse the contents within: As a reminder, this code is provided under the MIT License.


A deployed copy of the most recent version of strawpoll-client can be found on clojars. To use it, add the following as a dependency in your project.clj file:

Clojars Project

The next time you build your application, Leiningen or deps.edn should pull it automatically. Alternatively, you may clone or fork the repository to work with it directly.

Public Functions


Integrating with Strawpoll requires setting up an API Key with your user account. Strawpoll provides documentation on generating this key in their API documentation.

Since this value is required for each HTTP call to their interface, strawpoll-client has adopted a component/client pattern. Each of the functions used to interact with Strawpoll expect a client generated by strawpoll-client.core/->client as its first argument.

This function expects an option map, with the following key sets:

  • :api-key - Your Strawpoll API key as a string. If this key is missing, the library will attempt to load the Environment variable STRAWPOLL_API_KEY and the JVM Property StrawPollApiKey in this order. All remaining keys in this map will be passed to the underlying clj-http request function

Poll Lifecycles

As stated, each function will require a client, so we create one first:

(:require [strawpoll-client.core :refer :all])

(def my-client (->client {:api-key "My-awesome-secret"}))

Now, we will use this client to create a basic poll with the following options:

  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Rabbits
(create-poll! my-client "What is your favorite animal?" ["Cats" "Dogs" "Rabbits"])
;; => {:admin_key "some-key" :content_id "jkooopjr5" :success 1}

create-poll! makes each of the options from Strawpoll's API available via an optional option map with the following keys:

  • :public? - A boolean to determine wether or not the poll will be publicly listed. Defaults to falsey
  • :disallow-comments? - A boolean to disable commenting on polls. Defaults to falsey
  • :multiple-answers? - A boolean to indicate wether each voter is allowed to vote on multiple options. Defaults to falsey
  • :multiple-votes-per-ip? - A boolean to indicate if multiple votes may be recorded from a single IP address. Defaults to falsey
  • :name-required? - A boolean to indicate if users must enter a name while voting. Defaults to falsey
  • :deadline - An ISO-8601 Datetime in Zulu Timezone past when the poll will close. Defaults to nil, ergo no closing date will be set
  • :only-registered-users? - A boolean to indicate if users will be required to have an account with in order to vote. Defaults to falsey
  • :allow-vpn-users? - A boolean to indicate if users behind a VPN will be allowed to vote. Defaults to falsey
  • :no-captcha? - A boolean indicating if voting in the poll will not require solving a captcha. Defaults to falsey, meaning users will have to complete this step

After a while, we accumulate some votes, and we decide to check on the status of our poll.

(get-poll-results! my-client "jkooopjr5")
;; => {:content {:creator           {:avatar_path    "/images/avatars/nick-nichols.png"
;;                                                       :displayname    "Nick Nichols"
;;                                                       :monthly_points 0
;;                                                       :username       "nick-nichols"}
;;                                   :original_deadline nil
;;                                   :comments          1
;;                                   :type              "poll"
;;                                   :pin               nil
;;                                   :title             "Test Poll"
;;                                   :poll              {:reset_at           nil
;;                                                       :private            1
;;                                                       :poll_info          {:vpn                  0
;;                                                                            :description          nil
;;                                                                            :captcha              1
;;                                                                            :ma                   1
;;                                                                            :original_description nil
;;                                                                            :nsfw                 0
;;                                                                            :co                   1
;;                                                                            :creator_country_name "United States of America"
;;                                                                            :only_reg             0
;;                                                                            :ma_limit             nil
;;                                                                            :mip                  0
;;                                                                            :image                nil
;;                                                                            :edited_at            nil
;;                                                                            :show_results         1
;;                                                                            :enter_name           0
;;                                                                            :creator_country      "us"}
;;                                                       :total_voters       5850
;;                                                       :title              "What is your favorite animal?"
;;                                                       :original_title     nil
;;                                                       :poll_answers       [{:answer          "Cats"
;;                                                                             :id              "ub339by5f4e4"
;;                                                                             :original_answer nil
;;                                                                             :sorting         1
;;                                                                             :type            "text"
;;                                                                             :votes           50}
;;                                                                            {:answer          "Dogs"
;;                                                                             :id              "8xddpzqyq8dw"
;;                                                                             :original_answer nil
;;                                                                             :sorting         2
;;                                                                             :type            "text"
;;                                                                             :votes           900}
;;                                                                            {:answer          "Rabbits"
;;                                                                             :id              "12fdrhb67po0"
;;                                                                             :original_answer nil
;;                                                                             :sorting         3
;;                                                                             :type            "text"
;;                                                                             :votes           4900}]
;;                                                       :total_votes        0
;;                                                       :is_points_eligible 0
;;                                                       :is_votable         1
;;                                                       :last_vote_at       nil}
;;                                   :status            "active"
;;                                   :id                "jkooopjr5"
;;                                   :has_webhooks      0
;;                                   :deadline          nil
;;                                   :media             nil
;;                                   :cookie_id         "jkooopjr5"
;;                                   :created_at        "2021-10-22T21:37:34Z"}
;;                         :success 1}

If we navigate :content -> :poll -> :poll_answers, we can see that rabbits have a commanding lead.

When we created our poll, Strawpoll sends us back a map of data. The content_id key of that map contains the string we need to get the poll's state and to delete the poll. A convenience function has been added to extract this value:

(->poll-id (create-poll! my-client "What is your favorite animal?" ["Cats" "Dogs" "Rabbits"]))
;; => "jkooopjr5"

Eventually, enough time passes and we decide to delete our poll for good.

(delete-poll! my-client "jkooopjr5")
;; {:message "Delete successful!" :success 1}

REPL Driven Development

To try out this library's functionality, load strawpoll-client.repl into your REPL. This namespace has a Rich comment block demonstrating basic usage of each function. All you need to do is update the API key in ->client. Be sure you remove this value before committing this code. The API key ought to be treated as any application secret would be.


Copyright © 2021-2022 - Wall Brew Co

This software is provided for free, public use as outlined in the MIT License