This project is a Product Management system that allows you to manage various features related to users, products, carts, and orders. It is designed to be developed feature-wise, where each feature is worked on individually and follows a set of steps.
The project is divided into four main features:
User Management:
- Model: Defines the structure of the User object, including attributes such as name, email, profile image, address, etc.
- APIs: Includes registration, login, profile retrieval, and profile update endpoints for users.
- Token Handling: Specifies the use of JWT tokens for authentication, which should be sent in the Authorization header as a Bearer token.
- Database: Requires the creation of a database group named "groupXDatabase" to store user-related data.
Product Management:
- Model: Defines the structure of the Product object, including attributes such as title, description, price, image link, etc.
- APIs: Includes endpoints for creating products, retrieving products with optional filters and sorting, updating products, and deleting products.
- Image Handling: Requires uploading product images to an S3 bucket and saving the public URL in the product document.
Cart Management:
- Model: Defines the structure of the Cart object, which tracks the items, total price, and total quantity for a user's cart.
- APIs: Includes endpoints for adding products to the cart, removing/reducing product quantity, retrieving cart details, and deleting the cart.
Order Management:
- Model: Defines the structure of the Order object, which represents a user's order with information about the items, total price, total items, total quantity, cancellable status, and order status.
- APIs: Includes endpoints for creating an order, updating order status, and retrieving order details.
The project emphasizes the use of MongoDB as the database and AWS S3 for storing user profile images and product images. It also specifies the use of Git branching for team collaboration and outlines the response formats for successful and error responses for each API.
To set up the project, you need to follow the specified steps for each feature, create the necessary models, build the APIs, test them, and deploy them. The project encourages working on one feature at a time and repeating the steps for each feature.
By following this project structure, you can develop a comprehensive Product Management system with user authentication, product management, cart functionality, and order handling.
- User Model
fname: {string, mandatory},
lname: {string, mandatory},
email: {string, mandatory, valid email, unique},
profileImage: {string, mandatory}, // s3 link
phone: {string, mandatory, unique, valid Indian mobile number},
password: {string, mandatory, minLen 8, maxLen 15}, // encrypted password
address: {
shipping: {
street: {string, mandatory},
city: {string, mandatory},
pincode: {number, mandatory}
billing: {
street: {string, mandatory},
city: {string, mandatory},
pincode: {number, mandatory}
createdAt: {timestamp},
updatedAt: {timestamp}
- Create a user document from request body. Request body must contain image.
- Upload image to S3 bucket and save it's public url in user document.
- Save password in encrypted format. (use bcrypt)
- Response format
"status": true,
"message": "User created successfully",
"data": {
"fname": "John",
"lname": "Doe",
"email": "",
"profileImage": "",
"phone": 9876543210,
"password": "$2b$10$DpOSGb0B7cT0f6L95RnpWO2P/AtEoE6OF9diIiAEP7QrTMaV29Kmm",
"address": {
"shipping": {
"street": "MG Road",
"city": "Indore",
"pincode": 452001
"billing": {
"street": "MG Road",
"city": "Indore",
"pincode": 452001
"_id": "6162876abdcb70afeeaf9cf5",
"createdAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
"__v": 0
- Allow an user to login with their email and password.
- On a successful login attempt return the userId and a JWT token contatining the userId, exp, iat.
NOTE: There is a slight change in response body. You should also return userId in addition to the JWT token.
- Response format
"status": true,
"message": "User login successfull",
"data": {
"userId": "6165f29cfe83625cf2c10a5c",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI2MTYyODc2YWJkY2I3MGFmZWVhZjljZjUiLCJpYXQiOjE2MzM4NDczNzYsImV4cCI6MTYzMzg4MzM3Nn0.PgcBPLLg4J01Hyin-zR6BCk7JHBY-RpuWMG_oIK7aV8"
- Allow an user to fetch details of their profile.
- Make sure that userId in url param and in token is same
- Response format
"status": true,
"message": "User profile details",
"data": {
"address": {
"shipping": {
"street": "MG Road",
"city": "Indore",
"pincode": 452001
"billing": {
"street": "MG Road",
"city": "Indore",
"pincode": 452001
"_id": "6162876abdcb70afeeaf9cf5",
"fname": "John",
"lname": "Doe",
"email": "",
"profileImage": "",
"phone": 9876543210,
"password": "$2b$10$DpOSGb0B7cT0f6L95RnpWO2P/AtEoE6OF9diIiAEP7QrTMaV29Kmm",
"createdAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
"__v": 0
- Allow an user to update their profile.
- A user can update all the fields
- Make sure that userId in url param and in token is same
- Response format
"status": true,
"message": "User profile updated",
"data": {
"address": {
"shipping": {
"street": "MG Road",
"city": "Delhi",
"pincode": 110001
"billing": {
"street": "MG Road",
"city": "Indore",
"pincode": 452010
"_id": "6162876abdcb70afeeaf9cf5",
"fname": "Jane",
"lname": "Austin",
"email": "",
"profileImage": "",
"phone": 9876543210,
"password": "$2b$10$jgF/j/clYBq.3uly6Tijce4GEGJn9EIXEcw9NI3prgKwJ/6.sWT6O",
"createdAt": "2021-10-10T06:25:46.051Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-10-10T08:47:15.297Z",
"__v": 0
- Product Model
title: {string, mandatory, unique},
description: {string, mandatory},
price: {number, mandatory, valid number/decimal},
currencyId: {string, mandatory, INR},
currencyFormat: {string, mandatory, Rupee symbol},
isFreeShipping: {boolean, default: false},
productImage: {string, mandatory}, // s3 link
style: {string},
availableSizes: {array of string, at least one size, enum["S", "XS","M","X", "L","XXL", "XL"]},
installments: {number},
deletedAt: {Date, when the document is deleted},
isDeleted: {boolean, default: false},
createdAt: {timestamp},
updatedAt: {timestamp},
- Create a product document from request body.
- Upload product image to S3 bucket and save image public url in document.
- Response format
- Returns all products in the collection that aren't deleted.
- Filters
- Size (The key for this filter will be 'size')
- Product name (The key for this filter will be 'name'). You should return all the products with name containing the substring recieved in this filter
- Price : greater than or less than a specific value. The keys are 'priceGreaterThan' and 'priceLessThan'.
- Filters
NOTE: For price filter request could contain both or any one of the keys. For example the query in the request could look like { priceGreaterThan: 500, priceLessThan: 2000 } or just { priceLessThan: 1000 } )
- Sort
- Sorted by product price in ascending or descending. The key value pair will look like {priceSort : 1} or {priceSort : -1} eg /products?size=XL&name=Nit%20grit
- Response format
- Returns product details by product id
- Response format
- Updates a product by changing at least one or all fields
- Check if the productId exists (must have isDeleted false and is present in collection). If it doesn't, return an HTTP status 404 with a response body like this
- Response format
- Deletes a product by product id if it's not already deleted
- Response format
- Cart Model
userId: {ObjectId, refs to User, mandatory, unique},
items: [{
productId: {ObjectId, refs to Product model, mandatory},
quantity: {number, mandatory, min 1}
totalPrice: {number, mandatory, comment: "Holds total price of all the items in the cart"},
totalItems: {number, mandatory, comment: "Holds total number of items in the cart"},
createdAt: {timestamp},
updatedAt: {timestamp},
- Create a cart for the user if it does not exist. Else add product(s) in cart.
- Get cart id in request body.
- Get productId in request body.
- Make sure that cart exist.
- Add a product(s) for a user in the cart.
- Make sure the userId in params and in JWT token match.
- Make sure the user exist
- Make sure the product(s) are valid and not deleted.
- Get product(s) details in response body.
- Response format
- Updates a cart by either decrementing the quantity of a product by 1 or deleting a product from the cart.
- Get cart id in request body.
- Get productId in request body.
- Get key 'removeProduct' in request body.
- Make sure that cart exist.
- Key 'removeProduct' denotes whether a product is to be removed({removeProduct: 0}) or its quantity has to be decremented by 1({removeProduct: 1}).
- Make sure the userId in params and in JWT token match.
- Make sure the user exist
- Get product(s) details in response body.
- Check if the productId exists and is not deleted before updating the cart.
- Response format
- Returns cart summary of the user.
- Make sure that cart exist.
- Make sure the userId in params and in JWT token match.
- Make sure the user exist
- Get product(s) details in response body.
- Response format
- Deletes the cart for the user.
- Make sure that cart exist.
- Make sure the userId in params and in JWT token match.
- Make sure the user exist
- cart deleting means array of items is empty, totalItems is 0, totalPrice is 0.
- Response format
- Order Model
userId: {ObjectId, refs to User, mandatory},
items: [{
productId: {ObjectId, refs to Product model, mandatory},
quantity: {number, mandatory, min 1}
totalPrice: {number, mandatory, comment: "Holds total price of all the items in the cart"},
totalItems: {number, mandatory, comment: "Holds total number of items in the cart"},
totalQuantity: {number, mandatory, comment: "Holds total number of quantity in the cart"},
cancellable: {boolean, default: true},
status: {string, default: 'pending', enum[pending, completed, cancled]},
deletedAt: {Date, when the document is deleted},
isDeleted: {boolean, default: false},
createdAt: {timestamp},
updatedAt: {timestamp},
- Create an order for the user
- Make sure the userId in params and in JWT token match.
- Make sure the user exist
- Get cart details in the request body
- Response format
- Updates an order status
- Make sure the userId in params and in JWT token match.
- Make sure the user exist
- Get order id in request body
- Make sure the order belongs to the user
- Make sure that only a cancellable order could be canceled. Else send an appropriate error message and response.
- Response format
status: true,
message: 'Success',
data: {
status: false,
message: ""
_id: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02"),
fname: 'John',
lname: 'Doe',
email: '',
profileImage: '', // s3 link
phone: 9876543210,
password: '$2b$10$O.hrbBPCioVm237nAHYQ5OZy6k15TOoQSFhTT.recHBfQpZhM55Ty', // encrypted password
address: {
shipping: {
street: "110, Ridhi Sidhi Tower",
city: "Jaipur",
pincode: 400001
}, {mandatory}
billing: {
street: "110, Ridhi Sidhi Tower",
city: "Jaipur",
pincode: 400001
createdAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
updatedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
_id: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
title: 'Nit Grit',
description: 'Dummy description',
price: 23.0,
currencyId: 'INR',
currencyFormat: '₹',
isFreeShipping: false,
productImage: '', // s3 link
style: 'Colloar',
availableSizes: ["S", "XS","M","X", "L","XXL", "XL"],
installments: 5,
deletedAt: null,
isDeleted: false,
createdAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
updatedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
"_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef88"),
userId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02"),
items: [{
productId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
quantity: 2
}, {
productId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef60"),
quantity: 1
totalPrice: 50.99,
totalItems: 2,
createdAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
updatedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
"_id": ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef88"),
userId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef02"),
items: [{
productId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef55"),
quantity: 2
}, {
productId: ObjectId("88abc190ef0288abc190ef60"),
quantity: 1
totalPrice: 50.99,
totalItems: 2,
totalQuantity: 3,
cancellable: true,
status: 'pending'
createdAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",
updatedAt: "2021-09-17T04:25:07.803Z",