- Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tvuw0aGp5gTRX3qS1x5JMbOMQaaJ4SjNRMDnN6zt6Pc/edit#slide=id.p
- Project Tracking: https://wdprojects.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/TP/boards/8/backlog
The main project specification is to deploy the applications for the 'Sprint Pet Clinic Domain', one of which is the front end client using AngularJS and the other as an API using Java. The project is to be deployed using technologies we have learned.
The project is a group project so it will need to be designed and implemented in an agile environment with stand ups and scrum roles assigned to team members. These workflows need to be demonstrated and discussed in the final presentation.
- Methodology: AGILE
- As we deploy the application we will needed to incorporate AGILE principles to simulate what a working environment. These are the events we followed to ensure we are in the right path:
- Daily Scrum: Morning 9am and 3.30pm afternoon to update our colleagues of our progress.
- Sprint planning: Where the entire Scrum team will start to prepare of what is needed for our next Sprint, in our case we only have 1 sprint. (Product backlog and Sprint backlog)
- Sprint: A time framed box where the goals mentioned in the sprint planning must be accomplished.
- Sprint Reviews: Informal meeting where the team will present their work and discuss feedback
- Sprint Retrospective: A meeting with the entire Scrum team and refelct on the sprint and establish any imporvements for the next.
Docker and Docker compose was used to build images the services and push to the DockerHub repository. Docker swarm was not used to deploy the application.
Terraform is an infrastructure as code software. This was used to provision the network environment which was used to host the application.
Jenkins is a CI Server, it was used to automate deployment once changes were made on the GitHub repository.
Kubernetes is a container orchestration system which was used to deploy the application on to cthe cluster.
AWS is the cloud provider used to deploy the application in the production environment.
GCP was the cloud provider which we used as a testing environment to ensure all components of the application worked with each other when it was deployed.
NGINX was a web server which was used as a reverse proxy to communicate from ports to services of the application.