This a result of experience + Research & Development
It's still Work In Progress, although, we believe that it is already a quite complete example.
yarn install
// starts Next.js app
cd web_app && npm run dev
// starts React Native app in iOS Simulator
cd native_app
cd ios && pod install
cd .. && npm run ios
// android not ready yet
- GraphQL
- React with Hooks
- React Native
- Apollo
- Next.js
- Redux
- Yarn Workspaces
- Typescript
As a Proof Of Concept we selected a real use-case scenario, which is as follows:
- Fetching data about Youtube videos from a GraphQL Endpoint.
- Displaying videos in React and React Native apps.
- Possibility to fetch more videos.
- Not playing two videos at the same time (dispatching actions via Redux)
- Android version.
- Checking TypeScript implementation.
- Tests.