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Advanced TypeScript Raycasting Engine that renders mirrors
- 🏹 Raycasting
- 🪞 Mirrors
- 🎁 Textures
- 🌒 Light-and-Fog Effect
- 🎞️ Minimap
- 🎨 Texture & RGBA layers
- 🎮 Input handling
- 🎥 Camera free displacement
- 🎟️ Multi-layer Canvas Manager
- Implemented with PlugLightJS framework
- Offers a microkernel architecture
- Easy to integrate new services/systems
- Can be a good base to make a new project
- Implementing inside an existing project that uses a different framework or architecture could be a challenge.
- Only orthogonal (axis-aligned) lines and circles are supported as primitives
- Geometry is static
- Raycast optimization
- Complete and correct texturing system
- Further test raycasting algorithms