goctrl controls the life circle of your minikube cluster and the kubernetes objects running on it.
Currently goctrl supports MAC machines only.
In order to install and run goctrl, you need the following installed
Minikube: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/minikube/
govendor (for installation): https://github.com/kardianos/govendor
You can find a sample of configuration here: https://github.com/Wenliang-CHEN/kubernetes-object-sample
You need to point the BASE_PATH to your configuration folder in this file: https://github.com/Wenliang-CHEN/goctrl/blob/master/config/path.go
To install, just pull this repo to your GOPATH and do
go install
start [--createobjs=false]
start minikube cluster and create all kubernetes objects from configuration
build all the configuration files from template
create [objectname]
create the kubernetes object with given name
delete [objectname]
delete the kubernetes object with given name
exec [objectname] [command]
execute the command in a given kubernetes object
list all the kubernetes objects running in minikube cluster
stop the minikube cluster