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Welder App

Welder's front end built in React


  1. Install Node


  1. Clone this repo to your local device.
  2. cd into the project root.
  3. Install yarn: npm install -g yarn
  4. Install the dependencies: yarn
  5. Run yarn start to build, run and watch for code changes.


  1. Change the development values in ./src/constants/api.js to match your local setup for Api-V2, Wevolve (Api-V1) and Welder.

  2. Google analytics can be used by filling in the initializer located in index.js

  3. To use Heap analytics do a project wide search for heap.load() and fill in your key where necessary.

  4. A google maps key must be added to its tag in public/index.html

  5. Configuration for auth is found in /modules/auth.js. You must first have a properly configured app in Auth0. Start there if you haven't already.

Deployment instructions

  1. Build Wevolver for staging yarn build:staging or production yarn build.
  2. Upload the ./build folder into the corresponding S3 bucket: for staging or for production.
  3. Alternatively, install the AWS CLI, input your AWS credentials and sync the build folder to the bucket: aws s3 sync ./build s3://<bucket name>


All of the files are in the ./src folder. To modify how something looks, you most likely have to edit a file in the ./components folder.

  1. ./src/actions: actions that trigger reducer functions and sagas.
  2. ./src/components: presentational components. Exclusively receives data via props. Essentially concerned with how things look.
  3. ./src/constants: constants for action names and API endpoints.
  4. ./src/containers: wrappers for the components that fetch data from the Redux store.
  5. ./src/loaders: helper function to load different file formats in the three.js viewer.
  6. ./src/modules: helper functions for authentication, network calls, heap, toast notifications and util functions.
  7. ./src/reducers: specify how the application's state changes in response to actions sent to the store.
  8. ./src/sagas: sagas fetch data from the APIs and create actions with the received data.
  9. ./src/store: holds the application state and allows access to it using connect().


We use Linear Icons for this project. More info can be found here: