🍔 Final project of IT technical course. Application for supermarkets to donate surplus food to charities instituitions, reducing hunger and food waste.
The application works as a way to connect supermarkets that want to donate food in good condition and institutions that need more food to feed their dependents.
- Research and studies have been done on the issues of food insecurity and food waste, as well on Law 14016 that validates the implementation of the project.
- 🔗 Project's researches and report can ben downloaded here: Food Waste - Dionatan, Lázaro e William.pdf
- Homepage with a small overview about the project.
- Sign In and Sing Up pages. - Passwords cryptography is made using password_hash and password_verify from PHP
- Foods page (only for donor) - Add, update and delete foods
- Donations page (only for donor)
- Donation offers page (only for receivers) - The user can accept or refuse the donation
- Received donations page (only for receivers)
- Dashboard page - Cards with informations about the donations of the year
- Redirect Donations Algorithm - The process of redirecting donations is done by a selection algorithm developed in this project
- User can sign up as donator or receiver
- Donate foods
- If the expiry date expires, the food cannot be donated
- If refuse, the donation is reallocated to another receiver
- Charts with data and indicators about the donations per month in the last year
- It searches the receiver who had fewer opportunities and needs donations, based on some criteries (explained in download file)
- The intention of this is to provide equal food conditions for all partner institutions