The goal of this project was to understand the foundations of authentication in Ruby on Rails by creating different form layouts that ask the user for different data, so they can have their own account. We set up the user controllers, models and views with the help of the devise gem and render each using bootstrap.
- Ruby on Rails
- VS Code
- Devise gem
- Simple forms gem
- Bootstrap
- Rubocop
- Browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari or any other browser)
- Text editor (strongly recommended VS Code)
- Empty directory where the repo is to be cloned
Run the following comands in the terminal in the next order:
Step 1:
$ cd "here comes the path of your selected directory (double quotes must not be here)" -
Step 2: $ git clone
Step 1: Run in the terminal: $ bundle install
Additional: Sometimes you might need to install yarn: $ install yarn or $ npm install --global yarn
Step 2: Run in the terminal: $ Rails server
Step 3: Open a localhost:3000 tab in your browser
Step 1: Create a new user by clicking the signin link at the top right corner and fill the form fields. Next, press the Sign Up link at the bottom of the page. Fill in the form fields and press the sign up link at the end
Step 2: The next page that will open is the feed page. There you can post a new message by filling the body field with a message and then by clicking the create message link at the end.
Step 3: The user's pots will appear next, and the user will see the Show, Edit and Destroy options for that specific message. Also the posts of the other members will appear along with their respective names.
Step 4: To log out, press the sign out link in the navbar. You'll know when you are not logged in because all the member names will disappear.
👤 Heber Lazo
- Github: @Wusinho
- LinkedIn: Heber Lazo
👤 Alfredo Huemac
- Github: @Huemac-Alfredo
- Twitter: @AlfredoHuemac
- Linkedin: Alfredo Huemac Córdova
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Microverse
- The Odin Project
- Anyone whose detailed code inspired the creation of this project.
This project is MIT licensed.
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