This is a simple deep learning library implementing feed-forward neural networks and algorithms for training it. It is written in Python and Numpy.
The library provides the most basic functionality. One can train a feed-forward neural network on a data set and use the net later for predicting a vector Y from vector X. It is also possible to train neural net for awhile, save its parameters in a file and restore the neural net from this file later to continue training.
Please, note that it is not suitable for production environment. For production grade development or serious prototyping you want to use TensorFlow or other machine learning frameworks.
The initial purpose of this project was to better understand inner workings of feed-forward (and, possibly, others) neural networks through heads on approach. In particular, dive into the details of how neural networks learn, how can they approximate functions, how back propagation works, see the differences between different activation and loss functions, etc.
As the amount of code grew, I have decided to turn it into a repository and upload it here. I hope someone will find it useful.
Feel free to clone it, experiment with it, copy and paste pieces of code (or the whole thing) into your own
projects. Try out different demo scripts in /demos folder (see below) to see the neural net in action.
Specifically, run scripts like 4hidden_layers_relu_softmax_xentropy_L2
to see how neural network performs
on standard MNIST dataset. Or see how can it be used in reverse, that is how it can generate the images of
digits from some vectors. Enjoy.
You have a freedom of choosing the architecture of the net (how many hidden layers are there and their size), which loss function to use, which activation functions to have for hidden layers and for output layer, and more.
There are few other customizations and options available such as choosing mini batch size for the stochastic gradient descent, using L2 regularization etc. Specifically, one can:
- Choose an architecture of the net (how many hidden layers are there and their size)
- Choose a between different loss functions (quadratic vs cross-entropy)
- Use distinct activation functions for hidden layers and output layer (e. g. have RELU in hidden layers and soft-max in the output layer)
- Choose from a few most commonly used activation functions: Sigmoid, Rectifier, Soft-max
- Use L2 (weight decay) regularization
- Optimize with batch gradient descent or stochastic gradient descent
- Set the size of the mini batch
- Save the learned model (weights and biases) in the JSON formatted file
- Restore a neural net from the file
Open a terminal
Install virtualenv.
pip install virtualenv
Create a new virtual environment for python.
virtualenv venv
Alternatively, if you have multiple versions of Python on your system, you can choose which one to use.
virtualenv venv --python=/full/path/to/python/executable
Activate a virtual environment that you just created. If you are using windows
If you are using linux
source venv/bin/activate
Clone repository and cd into it.
git clone https://github
Install projects dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you are all set.
In this simple example we are going to create a neural network and train it to fit a simple curve y = x*x. First, let's import everything that we will need
import numpy as np
from data_source import PreloadSource
from neural_net import NetFactory
from activation_functions import Rectifier, Sigmoid
from cost_functions import QuadraticCost
from gradient_descent import GradientDescent
We create a feed-forward neural network with 3 layers with 1 unit in the input layer, 1 unit in the output layer and 200 units in the hidden layer. We use logistic sigmoid for hidden layer as an activation, also we use a Rectifier (or Rectified Linear Unit) as an activation in the output layer.
net = NetFactory.create_neural_net([1, 200, 1],
An important step is to perform random initialization of weights for symmetry breaking
We are going to optimize quadratic loss function and use L2 regularization
cost = QuadraticCost(neural_net=net, l2_reg_term=0.0005)
Now we will instantiate a gradient descent object which will try to minimize this loss. The learning_rate parameter indicates how large will be each update step
gd = GradientDescent(neural_net=net, cost_function=cost,
Almost there. Now lets generate a few training examples representing a curve y = x*x.
def x_to_y(x):
return np.array([x ** 2], float)
X = []
Y = []
x = 2
while x < 11:
X.append(np.array([x], float))
x += 1
examples = (X, Y)
src = PreloadSource(examples=examples)
And now we use these examples to train the net for 1000 training epochs
for i in range(5000):
print('Epoch {}. Loss is {}'.format(i, cost.get_cost(data_src=src)))
Hopefully, everything went well. Let's test our trained neural net on a few examples
t = 2
while t < 10:
x = np.array([t], float)
y_estimate = net.feed(x)
print('{} -> {}'.format(x, y_estimate))
t += 0.1
Run unit and integration tests.
Run functional tests
All tests should pass, but if one or 2 fail on rare occasion, than it is ok. There is a certain randomness intrinsic to the training process causing 1 or 2 tests checking classification accuracy to fail sometimes. A few warnings are also ok.
Try out these python scripts performing classification tasks on MNIST data set. You should wait a couple of minutes after launch before you see any feedback text such as current learning iteration and classification accuracy.
Keep in mind that some scripts are expected to run for quite some time before they finish. Feel free to terminate the program at any time by pressing ctrl+c.
Classification scripts
One hidden layer, sigmoid activation function for all layers, unregularized cross entropy loss.
2 hidden layers, rectified linear units (RELU) for hidden layers, soft-max activation for output layer. Cross entropy loss with L2 regularization.
4 hidden layers (RELU) and soft-max activation function in output layer. Cross entropy loss with L2 regularization.
Digit generation
Generate images of hand-written digits from vectors.
Generate images from vectors corrupted by gaussian noise.
Fit a function y=x^2
MIT license.