Authors: Xiaochi (George) Li, Xiaodan Chen
Capstone project of Data Science master's program at the George Washington University
Read our presentation in presentation and report
Watch Presentation on Youtube
My contribution:
Major contributor (account for >70% of the contribution)
Design the framework of the project, lead another intern during the project.
Data loading, relabeling, stance classification, EDA, visualization, deployment and writing major part of presentation, report, documentation.
Environment: Anaconda, Spacy, Gensim, Keras, nltk
NOTE: Please only read/use the code in ./deployment, code in other folders
are legacy of previous development, and may not run as expected.
Clone this repository to local machine. Change current directory to ./deployment
Usage Example:
from stance_detection_classification import StanceDetectionAndClassification
sdac = StanceDetectionAndClassification()
sd = sdac.stance_detection(*string*) # sd is the probability that the speech contain stance
sc = sdac.stance_classification(*string*) # sc is the probability that the speech contain positive stance
Run Unit test: > python3
class StanceDetectionAndClassification
__init__(self, data_path: str = '../opinion_mining/')
Define the paths of data to retrain and trained model
Parameter: data_path: optional, the path to the data to retrain the models. -
Retrain the stance detection model -
Retrain the stance classification model -
stance_detection(self, speech: str) Stance Detection Model
Parameter: speech(string)
Return: float, the probability of the speech contain stance in it -
stance_classification(self, speech: str) Stance Classification Model
Parameter: speech(string)
Return: float, the probability of the speech contain positive
- Stance Detection: pre-trained GloVe + LSTM
- Stance Classification: Remove stop words+ tfidf + smote + Logistic Regression
module util_code.corpus_loader
Useful to get speech from XML files, dependent on util_code.xml_parser
Function: corpus_loader(debug=False, parser='bs', data_root='../opinion_mining/')
Match the record between action.csv and document.csv and load corpus from XMLParameters:
- debug(Bool): the switch for debug
- parser(str): which parser to use, bs/xml
- data_root(str): the root of data and labels
- Pandas DataFrame
Function: untagged_corpus_loader(tagged_df=None, path_root='../opinion_mining')
Load all the untagged corpus from XML filesParameters:
- tagged_df(Pandas DataFrame): the tagged data frame
- path_root(str): the root of the path to search all XML files
- untagged_data_frame(Pandas DataFrame): untagged data frame, in the same format of tagged_df
class util_code.Pipeline_V1.Pipeline
The one-stop pipeline for training, evaluating and diagnosing any sklearn model
- model : trained model
- vectorizer: trained vectorizer
- __init__(self, x, y, vectorizer, model, silent=False, sampler=None)
Define the components of pipeline Parameters:- vectorizer: sklearn style vectorizer, has fit, transform methods
- model: sklearn style model, has fit, predict, predict_proba methods
- silent: Deprecated, please use in exec()
- sampler: imblearn sampler, has fit_sample method
- model_evaluation(self)
Model evaluation, print confusion matrix, Log loss, classification report and Precision-Recall Plot - exec(self, silent=False)
Run pipeline
Parameter: silent: bool, if True then return the F1 score as dictionary. If False then return the model and print the evaluations.
class util_code.mean_embedding_vectorizer.StackedMeanEmbeddingVectorizer
Stack mean embedding of Word2Vec to Bag of Words embedding
Implemented in sklearn style
- __init__(self, vectorizer=None)
Parameter: vectorizer: sklearn style vectorizer - load(self, file)
Parameter: file(str): path to pre-trained Word2Vec model - fit(self, X)
Parameter: X(one numpy column contain str), same to sklearn.vectorizer
Return: scipy.sparse: n_sample*n_features - transform(self, X)
Parameter: X(one numpy column contain str), same to sklearn.vectorizer
Return: scipy.sparse: n_sample*n_features
class util_code.doc2vec_vectorizer.StackedD2V
Stack Doc2Vec embedding to Bag of Words embedding
Implemented in sklearn style
- __init__(self, file, vectorizer=None)
Parameter:- file(str): trained Doc2Vec model
- vectorizer: sklearn style vectorizer
- load(self, file)
Parameter: file(str): path to pre-trained Word2Vec model - fit(self, X)
Parameter: X(one numpy column contain str), same to sklearn.vectorizer
Return: scipy.sparse: n_sample*n_features - transform(self, X)
Parameter: X(one numpy column contain str), same to sklearn.vectorizer
Return: scipy.sparse: n_sample*n_features
class util_code.Regex_Stance_Detection.RuleBasedStanceDetection
stance_detection_labeler(self, speech, strict=True, pn_ratio=1, cutoff=None)
Parameters:- speech(str): the speech
- strict(bool): only label as contain stance when detect positive or negative words.
- pn_ratio(int,float): the parameter to control the weight of negative keywords when both positive and negative keywords appear in the speech
- cutoff(int): the cutoff point of the speech, only detect the keyword before cutoff
Return: int 1:contain stance, -1: not contain stance
stance_classification_labeler(self, speech, pn_ratio=1, cutoff=None) Parameters:
- speech(str): the speech
- pn_ratio(int,float): the parameter to control the weight of negative keywords when both positive and negative keywords appear in the speech
- cutoff(int): the cutoff point of the speech, only detect the keyword before cutoff
Return: int 1:contain positive stance, -1: contain negative stance
module util_code.preprocess_utility
- spacy_lemma(speech:str) -> str
Lemmatization - remove_stopwords(text:str, cutoff:int=10000) -> str
Remove stop words, limit word in the sentence to cutoff - remove_stopwords_return_list(text, cutoff=10000) -> List[str] Remove stop words, limit word in the sentence to cutoff, return list instead of combined string
module util_code.parallel_computing
- parallel_remove_stopwords(x:array of str) -> List[str]
Remove stop words, paralleled by python's multiprocessing library
Xiaodan's contribution in util_code
module util_code.data_preprocessing
text preprocessing methods
- tokenization
- remove special characters --> '!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}'
- remove non-alphabetic characters and numbers
- remove tokens with length less than or equal the input length
- get the vocabulary of the corpus
- using relabel algorithm to relabel untagged speeches
- relabel '-1' to '0' for labels for later deep learning model
- a combination of text preprocessing, data relabeling and data splitting
- min_speech_len:the maximum word count you use to control word frequency in a speech
- max_speech_len:the minimum word count you use to control word frequency in a speech
- max_wc: maintain word tokens that appear in the whole corpus that are less than max_wc words
- min_wc: maintain word tokens that appear in the whole corpus that are more than min_wc words
- remove speeches whose length is shorter than min_len or longer than max_len
- ensure all speeches in a corpus only keep tokens between a minimum occurence and a maximum ocurrence
module util_code.lstm_train LSTM Model for stance detection
- tokenization
- load pretrained GloVe embedding
- define model
- get f1 score on test data
- visualization for loss and accuracy
- train model, save model and tokenizer
module util_code.sd_train
a concise version of training model for stance detection
- Parameters
- input_len: input length of speech to feed the deep learning
- save_model_path : the path to the pretrained model
- glove_path : the path to the pretrained GloVe embedding
- tokenizer_path : the path to the pretrained vectorization tokenizer
module util_code.sd_evaluation
get prediction and evaluation
class util_code.sd_prediction
single speech prediction