Detection of Toyota car brand sign using randomized hough transform for ellipse detection with result clustering.
Reference paper:
Basca, Cosmin A., Mihai Talos, and Remus Brad. "Randomized hough transform for ellipse detection with result clustering." Computer as a Tool, 2005. EUROCON 2005. The International Conference on. Vol. 2. IEEE, 2005.
Project was written in C++. As it was written for educational purposes it intentionally does not use built-in OpenCV algorithms and structures other then the cv::Mat class that is used to store the processed images. Drawing functions are used as well to highlight found toyota signs.
To build the project you need the OpenCV library and CMake. Create and go to "build" directory in the project's folder. Run:
cmake ..
To run the algorithm on a single photo:
./CarBrandDetector ../TestPhotos/toyota1.jpg
To run the algorithm on all test photos:
./CarBrandDetector find ../TestPhotos/*.jpg