This is project done in SE fro Python language by : Tejas Ghone,Vatsal Soni, Yashodhan Joshi , Yatharth Vyas
Transform your Ideas into lines of Code At CodeBook, our primary goal is to connect like-minded coders and provide a platform for them to share their challenges, come up with solutions for user submitted problems and compile any code.
Follow other users to get notified of their posts! Share your questions with one another and keep Coding!Developers can connect with each other, work on solving problems and learn all at the same time!
Come up with new ideas and post them here! You can share all sorts of problems related to programming by simply registering with us and submitting your challenges here!Describe your problem statement, give it an eye catching title and submit your solution. With these simple steps, any developer can post their challenges
Once you post your challenge, every user registered with us can try to crack the logic behind it. Learn to code with fun!
You can also choose to share your challenge with your friends or to the entire website.
Backend | Flask |
Frontend | HTML,CSS,Javascript and Jinga |
Database | MongoDB |
Authnetication | JWT |