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This is a minimal Docker image for running gsutil from Docker. For this to work, you would ideally create a .boto configuration file in the container and arrange for the file to access the secret key of a service account.

The version of gsutil to incorporate can be changed at build time by setting the build argument called GSUTIL_VERSION to the release number (sans the leading v).

Service Account Configuration

To arrange for proper authorisation at Google, you should create a service account and acquire a secret key for the account. You would then arrange for modify the following template and place this at /root/.boto in the container.


# Google OAuth2 service account credentials (for "gs://" URIs):
gs_service_key_file = <FULL PATH TO JSON KEY FILE>


# Set 'https_validate_certificates' to False to disable server certificate
# checking. The default for this option in the boto library is currently
# 'False' (to avoid breaking apps that depend on invalid certificates); it is
# therefore strongly recommended to always set this option explicitly to True
# in configuration files, to protect against "man-in-the-middle" attacks.
https_validate_certificates = True


# 'content_language' specifies the ISO 639-1 language code of the content, to be
# passed in the Content-Language header. By default no Content-Language is sent.
# See the ISO 639-1 column of
# for a list of
# language codes.
content_language = en

# 'default_api_version' specifies the default Google Cloud Storage XML API
# version to use. If not set below gsutil defaults to API version 1.
default_api_version = 2

# 'default_project_id' specifies the default Google Cloud Storage project ID to
# use with the 'mb' and 'ls' commands. This default can be overridden by
# specifying the -p option to the 'mb' and 'ls' commands.
default_project_id = <THE STRING ID OF YOUR PROJECT>

Release Tempo

The intention for this repository is to follow the release tempo for the official gsutil project. The project will typically pick the latest stable Alpine image at release time. Generated images are automatically tagged with the same version number as the gsutil release number, sans the leading v.

Missing a release? Open a PR!

Releases will be done through creating (git) tags with the same value as the one in the GSUTIL_VERSION build argument of the Dockerfile