This README file provides an overview of the functionality implemented in a product management application. The application allows users to manage products, categorize them, and perform various actions based on user roles. Below, each point of the specified functionality is explained separately:
- When the application loads, it retrieves and displays the products that are supposed to be shown at the current time.
- This functionality is available to all users, regardless of their role (admin or Anonymous users).
- The displayed products are dynamically filtered based on the current time, ensuring that only relevant products are shown.
- The filteration is performed automatically upon application load, without any explicit user action.
- Each product in the application is associated with the following information:
- Name: The name of the product.
- Creation Date: The date when the product was created.
- Created By User ID: The ID of the user who created the product.
- Start Date: The date when the product becomes available.
- Duration: The duration of the product's availability.
- DurationType:that may be (day,hours,minutes).
- Price: The price of the product.
- Each product can be assigned to one category.
- Adding, editing, and deleting products are actions that can be performed only by users with the "Admin" role.
- Non-admin users do not have access to these management functionalities.
- Admin users can perform the following actions on products:
- Add a new product: Create and save a new product in the application.
- Edit an existing product: Modify the information of an existing product.
- Delete an existing product: Remove a product from the application.
The application provides several views that enable users to interact with the product management functionality. The following views are available:
All Products View (Admins Only):
- This view displays all products in the application, regardless of the current time.
- Access to this view is restricted to users with the "Admin" role.
- All products are shown, providing an overview of the product characteristics.
Add/Edit/Delete Product Views (Admins Only) with require validations:
- These views allow admin users to add new products, edit existing products, and delete products from the application.
- Only users with the "Admin" role can access these views.
Product Details View:
- This view provides detailed information about a specific product. -admin can see all product characteristics.
- Anonymous users can only see all product (name, category,Creation Date,price) .
Category Filter (Client-side):
- The application offers the ability to filter products by category.
- This filter functionality is implemented on the client-side, allowing users to selectively display products belonging to a specific category.
The application utilizes two approaches to seed data into the database.
Seeding Categories using DbContext :
- The categories data is seeded into the database using the DbContext class in by overrideing (OnModelCreating).
- This approach ensures that the categories table is populated with the required initial data.
- It allows the application to have predefined categories for product categorization.
Seeding Default Users and Roles :
- in Program File as an entry point of the application, to check if the default users and roles exist.
- by using app service to get ServiceScopeFactory instance to fetsh require servidce from RoleManager and UserManager and provide them to the Seeding methods,
- If the default users and roles are not found.
- This approach ensures the presence of default users and roles.