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🦉 Brindibot

Brindibot is a Discord bot made with discord.js. The name is a portmanteau word of the Pokemon Brindibou (french name of Rowlet) with the word Bot.

Functionalities 🧰

List of available commands / subcommands

/rm add msg_id role emoji
Types: String, Role, String
Notes: This command create a reaction on a message that gives roles when a user react with it.

/rm del msg_id (role) (emoji)
Types: String, (Role), (String)
Notes: If no optional args are specified, all emoji<->roles associations on the specified message will be removed.

/roll (min) (max)
Types: (Integer), (Integer)
Notes: /roll will returns a number between 1 and 100 (included) or between the optional arguments. If one of the args is not provided min or max will be replaced respectively by 1 and 100.

/settings language
Types: String
Notes: Change the language that the bot use in a server.

Install 🔧


Setup the database

Setup a local MongoDB server or use an online service.

Config (.env)

Don't forget to create a .env in the project root folder

	DISCORD_CLIENT_ID = client_id
	DISCORD_GUILD_ID = guild_id
	DISCORD_TOKEN = discord_token
	DB_USERNAME = username
	DB_URL = mongodb:abc


Development environment

  1. Run node .\deploy-commands.js
  2. To launch the bot, run node .

Production environment

  1. In deploy-commands.js (project root folder), uncomment // Routes.applicationGuildCommands(clientId), and comment the above line Routes.applicationGuildCommands(clientId, guildId),
  2. Run node .\deploy-commands.js
  3. To launch the bot, run node .

Adding the bot to your server

(Don't forget the %20applications.commands at the end of the link)

Important: Once the bot is added, in Server parameter > Roles you need to ensure that the role of the bot is upper in the list than the roles that you want to make it gives.

Notes 📝


The bot is developed with Discord.js v13.
This project use a linter, rules are stored in .eslintrc.json.


  • Command and event handler: discord.js Guide
  • Database.js: Tyler Potts

To Do

  • /help command
  • Role Manager: add a list command
  • Button Management
  • A remind me command
  • Time Zone Converter
  • ✅ Localisation (Slash commands can't be translated yet)


See changelog

Brindibot v1.1.0

  • /roll have now two optional args to let the user decide range of the roll.
  • Localisation system; to change the language the bot use type /settings language.
    Supported languages: English (en) and French (fr).

Brindibot v1.0.0 (release)

See also 🔗

  • Discord.js

discord.js Guide -
discord.js Setting up a linter -
discord.js Documentation -

  • Database

mongoosejs -
Free online MongoDB database -

  • Miscellaneous

A nice video tutorial series by Tyler Potts to make a Discord Bot (Node.js, Discord.js v13) -
A website to preview your Markdowns files -
Calculate a Permissions integer


No releases published


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