Empress is still in early development and new features to add are currently being explored. If you would like to suggest something you can email kcantrel@ucsd.edu.
Please install the following packages in order to run Empress
conda create -n empress pip tornado
source activate empress
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-bio
pip install git+https://github.com/biocore/empress.git
Type the following commands in the terminal for more information
empress --help
A bit of preprocessing occurs after empress is ran. The following message will appear in the terminal when empress is ready to be used.
build web server
server started at port 8080
Then enter the following in a browsers search bar to launch empress.
Empress takes in as input a Newick file for the tree and a tabular mapping file for the feature metadata.
An example of a feature metadata file would look like something as follows
ID Genome_size Phyla
OTU_1001 100000 Proteobacteria
OTU_1002 150201 Firmicutes
OTU_2001 502051 Actinobacteria
The first column of the metadata files must match the ids in the newick file. In the above example ID is what the newick file would use to name the nodes.. If a node does not have a name in the newick file, empress will assign it "yid" where id is a number corresponding to its position in the tree. Note: to make processing metadata easier, empress will remane the first column of the metadata file to Node_id. So in the above example, ID will show up as Node_id in empress.
To download sample data enter the following in terminal or go into data/primates and manually download the files.
svn export https://github.com/biocore/empress.git/trunk/data
Both leaf_metadata.txt and internal_node_metadata.txt are space delimited. To make combining the metadata files easier, empress will rename #SequenceID will show up as Node_id in empress.
Here is an exmple of how internal_node_metadata.txt if formatted.
Node_id Intercept_effect_size Phyl_Group[T.Lemur]_effect_size ...
y0 0.02256030930979693 -0.12709112380267737 ...
y1 -0.15122058716686135 0.1629544435889327 ...
To run empress type the following command from within the directory where you downloaded the data file
empress --tree-file tree.nwk --metadata leaf_metadata.txt --additional-metadata internal_node_metadata.txt --clade-field Node_id --main-seperator " " --additional-seperator " "
--clade-field is what empress will use in its "clade color" feature. Node_id was choosen to better demonstrate this feature.
Note: It doesn't matter which metadata is passed in as metadata and which one is passed in as additional-metadata
After a couple of seconds the following will display in the terminal.
build web server
server started at port 8080
Open up a browser and type the following into the search bar.
After you should see
To hide metadata go to the metadata tab and unselect the checkbox. You can then press the metadata tab again to make the menu transparent. In future releases, the ability to save the metadata table to a file will be available.
To select parts of the tree hold down the shift key and move the mouse around the part of the tree you want to select. This will
find the lowest common ancestor of the nodes within the select box and color that subtree green.
Once you select a part of the tree, the corresponding metadata will show in the metadata table. Once you select a part of the tree you
can then collapse the selected part or click anywhere on the canvas to unselect the tree. Collapsing the subtree will create a
triangle whose side lengths are equal to the longest branch/sortest branch and edge lie on the left/right most branch of the select
To color tips, select the 'Highlight Tips' tab. Then select the feature from the metedata you wish to use and the color. Next, enter a value you wish to search for in one of the text boxes. The 'Lower Bound' is used to to highlight all tips that have a value greater than the value entered in the box. For example, say you have a species count feature in your metadata. If you enter 5 in the 'Lower Bound'. 'Upper Bound is the same as 'Lower Bound' expect it will color all tips whose value is less than the one entered in the text box. 'Equals to' will match all tips whose value matches the one in the text box. The examlpe below uses colors all all tips that have species count greater than 5 will be colored.