I place a high value on teamwork and thrive in collaborative environments where I can work alongside individuals from diverse backgrounds to develop innovative solutions to challenges.
I look forward to sharing knowledge, learning from one another, and growing together throughout our projects.
In addition to the IT experience outlined below, I bring a wealth of social experiences that enrich my perspective.
These varied experiences enable me to adapt seamlessly to any environment.
- O/S: Windows, Linux
- Programing Language: Java, Python
- Database: Oracle, MS-SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, Tibero6, PostgreSQL
- Tools: n8n, AWS, OCI, V-BOX, VMware, VSCode, Eclipse, Tomcat, JupyterNotebook, Anaconda, MS-Office, GitHub, Docker, FastAPI, SpringBoot, React
- [Spring Boot] : 올려야 함..
- [Fusion AutoCounter and AutoFolderCreator] : 올려야 함..
- [Youtube Downloader] : 올려야 함..
- Final : LLM Service Optimized for Finance and Stock Domains [24.6.25 ~ 24.8.20 : 2m]
- Object : Missing Person Search Project, Fall Detection [24.6.07 ~ 24.6.19 : 12d]
- Imeage : Interview Automation Project [24.5.08 ~ 24.5.20 : 12d]
- TTS&STT : Employment Support System for People with Disabilities and the Elderly [24.4.21 ~ 24.5.3 : 12d]
- NLP : Webtoon Insight Generation Project [24.3.22 ~ 24.4.10]
- TextMining : Text mining book writing [24.3 ~ 24.6 : 2m]
- JavaWebPrograming : Bus charter service [19.2.11 ~ 19.3.11 : 1m]
- technology blog competition - 에이븐 [25.2.7~25.2.14 : 1w] 1등
- technology blog competition - 에이븐 [25.2.3~25.2.7 : 1w] 1등등
- dinolaps MAI Agent automation - 디노랩스 [24.12.13~25.1.3 : 3w] 2등
- dinolaps MAI Agent - 디노랩스 [24.10.29~24.11.18 : 3w] 2등
- machine learning & Deep learning Develop - 알파코 [24.2.26~24.8.29 : 6m]
- Kubernetes - 한국소프트웨어산업협회, KOSA
- Docker - 한국소프트웨어산업협회, KOSA
- Docker - 동부교육
- Linux - KT ds University [21.10.2 ~ 21.11.6]
- X-Internet & MiPlatform - 투비소프트 [19.03]
- Java Develop - 미래능력개발교육원 [18.08~19.04 : 9m]
- OCI Architect Associate - ORACLE
- OCI Foundation - ORACLE
- 리눅스 마스터 2급 - KAIT
- E-Test(e-Professionals) - KOPE
- 2종 보통 운전면허 - 경찰청(운전면허시험관리단)
- 2종 소형 운전면허 - 경찰청(운전면허시험관리단)
- 진로컨설팅 - 한국고용정보원
- 와인소믈리에 - KWAC
- 커피바리스타 - 한국바리스타협회
- 전산응용건축제도기능사 - 한국산업인력공단
- 건축도장기능사 - 한국산업인력공단
YCcorp [https://www.ycgroup.co.kr]
- Solutions:
- Robot CoffeeMachine : API, order, monitoring... etc main PM developer
- oDoo : Open Source Developer
- Autodesk Fusion : Addin system PM developer
- SmartLine2 : Springboot & React sub developer
Centec [http://centec.kr]
- Solutions:
- Batch Automation Solution (Jobmind)
- Responsibilities:
- Development and maintenance of solution sales
- Implementation and maintenance of internal systems
- Creation and training of onboarding materials for new technical staff
- Clients:
- 신한카드, 삼성 SDS, 마스턴투자운용, 애큐온저축은행 등
SSNC [https://www.ssnc.co.kr/]
- Solutions:
- Endpoint Security (Samsung ESCORT)
- Smart Factory Security (Samsung SmartDTM)
- Ransomware Protection (Samsung SentinelOne)
- Print Security (SecuPrint)
- ERP System (e-spider)
- Lost PC Security (ForgotPC)
- Responsibilities:
- 솔루션 구축, 유지보수, 매뉴얼작성
- 기타 IT 기술지원
- Clients:
- 삼성SDS, SK이노베이션, SK차이나, SK어드밴스, SK임업, SK매직, SK머티리얼즈, CJ올리브네트웍스, CJ헬스케어, 한국콜마홀딩스, 한국콜마중국, 네이버InS, 일진글로벌, YKK, 빙그레, 오뚜기, 삼양, 동우화인캠, DB하이텍, DB생명, GS홈쇼핑
- Solutions:
- SNS Automation Management Service (grammer)
- Responsibilities:
- Responsive web development
- Customer database management and customer support
- Clients:
- SNS Users, Marketing Companies
If you need me. please call me 🤝
- HP : 010-9008-4362