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Call Kit is a prebuilt feature-rich call component, which enables you to build one-on-one and group voice/video calls into your app with only a few lines of code.

And it includes the business logic with the UI, you can add or remove features accordingly by customizing UI components.

One-on-one call Group call
One-on-one call Group call

Tutorial | How to build video call using React Native in 10 mins with ZEGOCLOUD

When do you need the Call Kit

  • Build apps faster and easier

    • When you want to prototype 1-on-1 or group voice/video calls ASAP

    • Consider speed or efficiency as the first priority

    • Call Kit allows you to integrate in minutes

  • Customize UI and features as needed

    • When you want to customize in-call features based on actual business needs

    • Less time wasted developing basic features

    • Call Kit includes the business logic along with the UI, allows you to customize features accordingly

Embedded features

  • Ready-to-use one-on-one/group calls
  • Customizable UI styles
  • Real-time sound waves display
  • Device management
  • Switch views during a one-on-one call
  • Extendable top/bottom menu bar
  • Participant list

Quick start

Read more from our official website

Integrate the SDK

Import the SDK

Add @zegocloud/zego-uikit-prebuilt-call-rn as dependencies

yarn add @zegocloud/zego-uikit-prebuilt-call-rn 

Add other dependencies

Run the following command to install other dependencies for making sure the @zegocloud/zego-uikit-prebuilt-call-rn can work properly:

yarn add @zegocloud/zego-uikit-rn react-delegate-component zego-express-engine-reactnative

Using the ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall Component in your project

  • Go to ZEGOCLOUD Admin Console|_blank, get the appID and appSign of your project.
  • Get the userID and userName for connecting the Video Call Kit service.
  • And also get a callID for making a call.
  • userID and callID can only contain numbers, letters, and underlines (_).
  • Users that join the call with the same callID can talk to each other.
// App.js import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall } from '@zegocloud/zego-uikit-prebuilt-call-rn'; export default function App() { return (
<ZegoUIKitPrebuiltCall appID={Get your app ID from ZEGOCLOUD Admin Console.} appSign='Get your app Sign from ZEGOCLOUD Admin Console.' userID='12345' // userID can only contain numbers, letters, and underlines (_). userName='Oliver' callID='rn12345678' // roomID can only contain numbers, letters, and underlines (_). config={{ //onHangUp: () => {props.navigation.navigate('HomePage')} }} />
); }

Configure your project

  • Android:

Open my_project/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file and add the code as follow:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
  • iOS:

Open my_project/ios/my_project/Info.plist file and add the code as follow:


Run & Test

  • Run on an iOS device:
yarn android
  • Run on an Android device:
yarn ios

Related guide

Customize prebuilt UI

Recommended resources

Custom prebuilt UI

Complete Sample Code

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