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Terminal Setup

This repository contains instructions and resources for setting up your terminal environment with enhancements for both PowerShell (pwsh) and bash on Windows.

Installing oh-my-posh

Start by installing oh-my-posh, a highly customizable prompt for PowerShell.


Make sure to download and install the JetBrainsMono Nerd Font for optimal visual experience.


  1. Open your terminal and right-click to access settings.
  2. Navigate to "Open Json file" and update the settings.json file with the new configurations.
  3. install Zoxide
  4. install fuzzyfinder

Bash Setup

Ensure to replace ${YOUR LOCATION} with the actual location where you have stored the theme. The default location is ~/AppData/Local/Programs/oh-my-posh/themes/. Configure your .bash_profile or .bashrc to load oh-my-posh and your desired theme. Use the following command:

eval "$(oh-my-posh init bash --config ${YOUR LOCATION}/theme.omp.json)"

PowerShell (pwsh) Setup

Place the provided script in Documents/Powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1. Load the theme with the following command:

oh-my-posh init pwsh --config '${YOUR LOCATION}/Theme.omp.json' | Invoke-Expression

Ensure to replace ${YOUR LOCATION} with the actual location where you have stored the theme. The default location is ~/AppData/Local/Programs/oh-my-posh/themes/.

For terminal icons, you can utilize the Terminal-Icons repository.


Here are some useful commands to enhance your terminal experience:

  • ls: List directory contents.
  • cd [directory]: Change directory.
  • mkdir [directory]: Create a new directory.
  • rm [file]: Remove a file.
  • rm -r [directory]: Remove a directory and its contents recursively.
  • cp [source] [destination]: Copy files or directories.
  • mv [source] [destination]: Move files or directories.
  • ctrl+w: Close it
  • ctrl+c/v: Copy/Paste
  • ctrl+shift+-: Slipt the panel



Feel free to customize and enhance your terminal setup further based on your preferences and needs.