Welcome to CareerYOUCODE, the ultimate platform bridging the gap between YOUCODE and your dream career! Unleash the power of connections at our exclusive Job Dating event. Connect, network, and pave the way for your future success. Swipe right on your dream career with CareerYoucode!
To set up CareerYOUCODE, follow these steps:
- Configure Development Environment:
- Use Laragon as the preferred development environment. You can download it here.
- Clone The Project's Repository:
- Clone the CareerYOUCODE repository using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/Zaiidmo/CareerYOUCODE
- Install Dependencies:
- Install Node.js and Composer.
- Open the command prompt from the project directory and run the following commands:
npm install
composer update
composer dump-autoload
- Configure LARAVEL Environment
- Open the command prompt from the project directory and run the following commands:
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
php artisan cache:clear
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Interactive learning modules
- Job search functionality
- Personalized career planning
- User authentication and profiles
- Responsive design for various devices
- Design phase, including use cases and class diagrams.
- Jira planning for development milestones.
- Mock-up creation.
- Development phase.
Client: HTML, JavaScript, TailwindCSS
Server: Laravel(PHP), MySQL
- After Setting Up The Environment (Steps 3-4) You'll find that all the needed tables and data for the Project all already Created in the data base folder All you need to do is to change the credentials in the .env file to match those in your database
- Open The Repository Using Your Own Code Editor and Run the following commands
npm run dev
npx tailwindcss -i ./resources/css/styles.css -o ./public/css/app.css --watch --minify
php artisan serve