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reToons (gToons Emulation Engine)

Welcome to the reToons project!
The project is currently preparing for an Alpha release. More information will be available soon.

Did you know that we are on Discord? Come join the community!


System Requirements:

Resource Minimum Recommended
OS - Win10, OSX, Ubuntu 18.04
CPU 1 core 2 cores
Memory 1GB 2GB

Software Prerequisites:

NPM 14.4.0 Optionally use NVM to manage node versions:

  • Windows
  • OSX
  • Ubuntu 18.04
    curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
    npm install -g n
    n 14.4.0
    # Reload the shell to use the proper Node.js version.

Global NPM Packages:

  • npm install -g typescript
  • npm install -g ts-node

MySQL 5.7.28

  • Windows
    MySQL Server 5.7
    MySQL Workbench 8.0

  • OSX:
    brew install mysql

  • Ubuntu 18.04
    sudo apt install mysql-server

Database Setup:

Use a MySQL client to execute the database setup queries.

The following commands will result in the creation of a database called gtoons.
There will be a user gtoons with the password test, which will have all privileges to the gtoons database.

CREATE USER 'gtoons'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'test';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `gtoons` . * TO 'gtoons'@'localhost';

NOTE: Added 19/26/2020

If you have a database from before 19/26/2020. You need to drop all your tables and run migrations from an empty database.

Deploy Application:

The reToons engine is made up of two components, an Express server for the backend and a React app for the frontend.

Clone the Git repository:
git clone

Copy the example environment variables from deploy/dev/into server/src and client/src

linux: cp ./deploy/dev/server/.env ./server/src; cp ./deploy/dev/client/.env ./client/src

powershell: Copy-Item ".\deploy\dev\server\.env" -Destination ".\server\src"; Copy-Item ".\deploy\dev\client\.env" -Destination ".\client\src"

Install the backend:
cd gtoons/server/
npm install

Run the database migrations:
cd gtoons/server/
ts-node ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:run

Install the frontend:
cd gtoons/client/
npm install

Start the Express Backend:

cd gtoons/server/
npm run start

If you are working on the backend code, you can run:
npm run watch
This will automatically restart the backend server when a source file changes.

Start the React Frontend:

cd gtoons/client/
npm run start&

Hot-reloading is automatic.
Any changes you make to the client source should automatically reload the frontend.


ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached


sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p

If you experience issues, please log an Issue or ask for help in the Discord chat server.

Updating the database using migrations

TypeORM Docs

We use TypeORM to interact with the database. all data changes should be made in an entity file found in server\src\common\entity

Once you've made a change in the entities, run the command to create a migration for the change. Please describe the change you're making in the name. npm run migrate:gen -- -n=NameOfMyMigration

If successful, you should see a message that the migration has been generated successfully, and there should be a new file in server\src\common\migration

To execute the changes from the migration to the database, run the migrate command npm run migrate

If you need to write your own SQL for a migration (NOT RECCOMENDED), use the new command npm run typeorm migration:create -- -n=NameOfMyCustomMigration


remake of cartoon network gtoons game






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