Dummy UWP application using LiteDB to show problem with encrypted database password change.
LiteDB password change issue reproduction scenario:
Fill in "Enter current password" with a new password and click "Open DB". It will set the DB password on the first run.
Fill "Enter text to write" with any text you like to push it into DB. Click "Write text".
Now both DB data-file and log-file are created.
You can check if the data are written successfully. Press "Read text from DB" to read all contained strings of text.
Fill in "Enter new password" with the new DB password and click "Change DB password".
After this, you can still successfully read and write data to DB. You can check it.
Close application
You can take a look at the DB log-file that remains to exist. Dispose() will be called later whenever GC decides to be necessary.
Open-up application again
Fill in "Enter current password" with your changed password and click "Open DB". It will open DB successfully.
Press "Read text from DB" to read all contained strings of text successfully.
Fill "Enter text to write" with any text you like to push it into DB. Click "Write text".
You'll see the "Invalid password" exception.