Operating System written in C++ that can print text and manage input from a keyboard
Created by following the tutorial series at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnA6wpF0o4&list=PLHh55M_Kq4OApWScZyPl5HhgsTJS9MZ6M and then following my own path with help from http://wiki.osdev.org
Run in a virtual machine or boot using qemu most preferrably (I am not responsible for any damage to your hard drive if you choose to boot from the operating system files)
Created on a Linux Mint 18.3 (Sylvia) system
Created using C++ with exception to some necessary assembler files
Includes support for all alphanumerical keyboard keys and special characters including (";", "'", ",", ".", "/", "\n", " ")
- If you want to add additional support for more keyboard keys add a case to the keyboard.cpp file under the switch(key) switch and compile with something like gcc to keyboard.o
- If you want to modify Operating System activity at startup modify the kernel.cpp file under the kernelMain() function and compile with somethign like gcc to kernel.o