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Covalent SDK

A fully tested SDK for the Covalent API with Typescript support. It supports all endpoints to easily fetch data from Covalent.


You can install the SDK using npm:

npm install covalent-sdk

You need to get an API key using Covalent's website. Once you have it, you can initialize the SDK using:

const covalent = new Covalent({ key: '' });

The constructor takes two parameters:

  • A group of options, including a required key, and optional version (defaults to v1).
  • A default chain number. It defaults to 1 (Ethereum's mainnet). This allows you to call different methods later without having to specify a chain, but you always have the option to specify a chain.

You can get the current options with covalent.getOptions() and set them with covalent.setOptions({ key: '' }).


Get all chains

Returns a list of all chains.

async function main() {
  const chains = await covalent.chains().list();

Get all chain statuses

Returns a list of all chain statuses.

async function main() {
  const chains = await covalent.chains().statuses();


Get token balances for address

Return the token balances for a specific address in a chain.

async function main() {
  const address = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const balances = await covalent.address(address, chainId).balances();

The balances function also takes optional parameters nft and no-nft-check as an object.

Get historical portfolio value over time

Return wallet value for the last 30 days at 24 hour interval timestamps.

async function main() {
  const address = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const portfolio = await covalent.address(address, chainId).portfolio();

Get ERC20 token transfers for address

Return all ERC20 token contract transfers along with their historical prices at the time of their transfer.

async function main() {
  const address = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const contract = '';
  const transfers = await covalent.address(address, chainId).tokenTransfers(contract);

Get log events by contract address

Return a paginated list of decoded log events emitted by a particular smart contract.

async function main() {
  const address = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const params = {
    "starting-block": 12115107,
    "ending-block": 12240004
  const logEvents = await covalent.address(address, chainId).logEvents(params);


Get a block

Return a single block.

async function main() {
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const lastBlock = await covalent.blocks(chainId).get();
  const specificBlock = await covalent.blocks(chainId).get(14946920);

Get block heights

Return all the block height(s) of a particular chain within a date range.

async function main() {
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const blocks = await covalent.blocks().between('2021-01-01', '2021-01-03'); // YYYY-MM-DD


Get token holders as of any block height

Return a paginated list of token holders. If block-height is omitted, the latest block is used.

async function main() {
  const tokenAddress = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const holders = await covalent.token(tokenAddress, chainId).holders();

Get changes in token holders between two block heights

Return a paginated list of token holders and their current/historical balances, where the token balance of the token holder changes between starting-block and ending-block.

async function main() {
  const tokenAddress = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const params = {
    "starting-block": 12500000,
    "ending-block": 12500100
  const holders = await covalent.token(tokenAddress, chainId).holdersChanges(params);

Get NFT token IDs for contract

Return a list of all token IDs for the NFT contract on the blockchain.

async function main() {
  const tokenAddress = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const nftTokenIds = await covalent.token(tokenAddress, chainId).nftTokenIds();

Get NFT transactions for contract

Return a list of transactions.

async function main() {
  const tokenAddress = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const nftTransactions = await covalent.token(tokenAddress, chainId).nftTransactions('123');

Get NFT external metadata for contract

Return the external metadata. Both ERC721 as well as ERC1155 standards are supported.

async function main() {
  const tokenAddress = '';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const nftMetadata = await covalent.token(tokenAddress, chainId).nftMetadata('123');


Get a transaction

Return the transaction data with their decoded event logs.

async function main() {
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const nftMetadata = await covalent.transactions(chainId).get('tx hash');


Get log events by topic hash(es)

Return a paginated list of decoded log events with one or more topic hashes separated by a comma.

async function main() {
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const TOPICS = ['0x804c9b842b2748a22bb64b345453a3de7ca54a6ca45ce00d415894979e22897a'];
  const params = {
    "starting-block": 12500000,
    "ending-block": 12500100

  const topics = await covalent.topics(TOPICS, chainId).get(params);


Get historical token prices

Return their historical prices. Can filter by date ranges and convert to quote_currency. Only daily granularity is supported.

async function main() {
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f'; // DAI
  const topics = await covalent.pricing(chainId).prices([CONTRACT_ADDRESS]);


Get XY=K pools

Return pool information across all XY=K pools including LP token prices, reserves, exchange volumes and fees.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const pools = await, chainId).pools();

Get XY=K pools by address

Return pool information across all XY=K pools including LP token prices, reserves, exchange volumes and fees for address.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const address = '';
  const pools = await, chainId).address(address).pools();

Get XY=K address exchange balances

Return address exchange balances for a specific DEX.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const address = '';
  const balances = await, chainId).address(address).balances();

Get XY=K network exchange tokens

Return network exchange tokens for a specific DEX.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const balances = await, chainId).tokens();

Get XY=K supported DEXes

Returns a list of DEXes currently supported by the XY=K endpoints.

async function main() {
  const exchanges = await covalent.exchanges();

Get XY=K single network exchange token

Return single network exchange token for a specific DEX.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const tokenId = '';
  const token = await, chainId).token(tokenId).get();

Get XY=K transactions for account address

Return transactions for account address for a specific DEX.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const balances = await, chainId).transactions();

Get XY=K transactions for token address

Return transactions for token address for a specific DEX.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const tokenId = '';
  const token = await, chainId).token(tokenId).transactions();

Get XY=K ecosystem chart data

Return ecosystem chart data for a specific DEX.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const balances = await, chainId).ecosystemChartData();

Get XY=K health data

Return last synced block height data and latest block height for a specific DEX.

async function main() {
  const exchangeName = 'uniswap_v2';
  const chainId = 1; // ether's mainnet, optional parameter
  const balances = await, chainId).healthData();


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