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🌠 Using Astro or Vue file to generate cover, card, Open Graph ... image SVG, powered by Satori and Vite


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Use Vue and Astro file to generate SVG image by Satori.
The image can be generated by running ESM script or CLI.


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Local running example demo

npx degit Zhengqbbb/x-satori/playground/vue   <file_name>     # Vue
npx degit Zhengqbbb/x-satori/playground/astro <file_name>     # Astro

cd <file_name>
pnpm install

# Development Model
pnpm dev:og

# [Generate] SVG
pnpm gen:svg

# [Generate] PNG
pnpm gen:png


npm install -D x-satori

⭐ Vue

Using Vitepress buildEnd hook
Using CLI

Example: playground/vue

  • Dependency: Vue | Vite
$ npx x-satori --help

    x-satori --template <template_file_path> --config <satori_config_path> [--props <JSON>]
    x-satori --template <template_file_path> --config <satori_config_path> [--props <JSON>] --output <svg_path>
    x-satori --template <template_file_path> --config <satori_config_path> [--props <JSON>] --dev [--host --port <num>]

    -d|--dev                   Turn on Dev mode
       --host                  Expose  host in Dev mode
       --port     <num>        Specify port in Dev mode
    -t|--template <path>       The Vue or Astro template file path
    -c|--config   <path>       The export satori configure file path
    -o|--output   <path>       Target output SVG path
    --props       <JSON_str>   Overwrite and use props in config

    x-satori --config "./satori.ts" --template "./Template.vue" --dev --host
    x-satori --config "./satori.ts" --template "./Template.vue"
    x-satori --config "./satori.js" --template "./Template.vue" --props '{"title": "Hello World"}'
    x-satori --config "./satori.js" --template "./Template.vue" -o image.svg


  • Extends Satori options and add Vue file props option
import { defineSatoriConfig } from 'x-satori/vue'

export default defineSatoriConfig({
    // ... Satori options
    props: {
        // ...Vue SFC props options
        // title: "Hello world"

Vue template file

<script setup lang="ts">
const props = defineProps({
  title: String,
  <div class="w-full h-full flex text-white bg-blue-500 items-center justify-center">
    <h1 :style="{ fontSize: '70px' }">
      {{ title }} πŸ‘‹
Using ESM script
  • Dependency: Vue
import { defineSatoriConfig, satoriVue } from 'x-satori/vue'

function main() {
    const _DIRNAME = typeof __dirname !== 'undefined'
        ? __dirname
        : dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
    const _OUTPUT = resolve(_DIRNAME, './image/og.png')

    const templateStr = await readFile(resolve(_DIRNAME, './Template.vue'), 'utf8')
    const opt = defineSatoriConfig({
    // ... Satori options
        props: {
        // ...Vue SFC props options
        // title: "Hello world"
    const strSVG = await satoriVue(opt, templateStr)

⭐ Astro

Using Astro file-endpoints

1. Install Dependencies

npm install -D x-satori @resvg/resvg-js # Convert SVG to PNG

2. Create Astro file-endpoints

If target is generate dist/og/*.png.
So that touch a file src/pages/og/[slug].png.ts

import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { type SatoriOptions, satoriAstro } from 'x-satori/astro'
import { Resvg } from '@resvg/resvg-js'
import type { APIRoute } from 'astro'
import { type CollectionEntry, getCollection } from 'astro:content';

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  const posts = await getCollection('blog');

    return posts
        .map(post => ({
            params: { slug: post.slug },
            props: { },

async function getPostImageBuffer(props) {
        const template = await readFile(/** .astro template file */, 'utf-8')
        const config: SatoriOptions = {
            //... satori options,
            props: {
                //...astro template file props
        const svg = await satoriAstro(config, template)
        const resvg = new Resvg(svg)
        const pngData = resvg.render()
        return pngData.asPng()

export const GET: APIRoute = async ({ props }) =>
    new Response(
        await getPostImageBuffer(props as CollectionEntry<'blog'>),
            headers: { 'Content-Type': 'image/png' },
Using ESM script
  • Dependency: Astro
import { defineSatoriConfig, satoriAstro } from 'x-satori/astro'

function main() {
    const _DIRNAME = typeof __dirname !== 'undefined'
        ? __dirname
        : dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
    const _OUTPUT = resolve(_DIRNAME, './image/og.png')

    const templateStr = await readFile(resolve(_DIRNAME, './Template.vue'), 'utf8')
    const opt = defineSatoriConfig({
    // ... Satori options
        props: {
        // ...Vue SFC props options
        // title: "Hello world"
    const strSVG = await satoriAstro(opt, templateStr)
Using CLI
  • Dependency: Astro | Vite (for dev mode)
$ npx x-satori --help

    x-satori --template <template_file_path> --config <satori_config_path> [--props <JSON>]
    x-satori --template <template_file_path> --config <satori_config_path> [--props <JSON>] --output <svg_path>
    x-satori --template <template_file_path> --config <satori_config_path> [--props <JSON>] --dev [--host --port <num>]

    -d|--dev                   Turn on Dev mode
       --host                  Expose  host in Dev mode
       --port     <num>        Specify port in Dev mode
    -t|--template <path>       The Vue or Astro template file path
    -c|--config   <path>       The export satori configure file path
    -o|--output   <path>       Target output SVG path
    --props       <JSON_str>   Overwrite and use props in config

    x-satori --config "./satori.ts" --template "./Template.astro" --dev --host
    x-satori --config "./satori.ts" --template "./Template.astro"
    x-satori --config "./satori.js" --template "./Template.astro" --props '{"title": "Hello World"}'
    x-satori --config "./satori.js" --template "./Template.astro" -o image.svg


  • Extends Satori options and add Vue file props option
import { defineSatoriConfig } from 'x-satori/astro'

export default defineSatoriConfig({
    // ... Satori options
    props: {
        // ...astro file props options
        // title: "Hello world"

Astro template file

interface Props {
    title: string

const { title = Hello world } = Astro.props;
<div class="w-full h-full text-1.4rem text-white flex flex-col items-center justify-between">
    <h2 >

🎼 Command-line Advanced Usage

pipeline generate png with resvg-cli

TIP: You can install it globally or use bunx for replacement startup

npx x-satori --config "./satori.ts" --template "./Template.vue" --props '{"title": "Hello World"}' | \
    npx resvg-cli - image.png
pipeline generate webp or more edit with resvg-cli and imagemagick

TIP: You can install it globally or use bunx for replacement startup

npx x-satori --config "./satori.ts" --template "./Template.vue" --props '{"title": "Hello World"}' | \
    npx resvg-cli - | \
    magick - webp:image.webp

How it works

  1. β–² Satori is an amazing library for generating SVG strings from pure HTML and CSS.
  2. Unfortunately, it is built on top of React's JSX and expects "React-elements-like objects".
  3. Thanks an library natemoo-re/satori-html can to generate the necessary VDOM object from a string of HTML.
  4. So the key is to convert the Vue SFC file to an HTML string, and here I used transform so that I could generate it via script (Only the template syntax is used)
    • @vue/compiler-sfc: to parse Vue SFC file
    • vue - createSSRApp and vue/server-renderer: transform HTML string
  5. Astro: a similar method:
    • @astrojs/compiler: to transform .astro to ts
    • AstroContainer: renderToString to obtain HTML string

Why developed

My Weekend Pilot Project

  1. This processing logic, initially used in my Vite-SSG person website, I prefer to run the script to generate e.g tsx gen-og.mts at my building time rather than the edge Fn
  2. And personally, I think Vue SFC File would be better in expressing this SVG structure, but I only use the template syntax and props, and the css would use tailwindcss.
  3. I did a experiment this weekend, using Vite HRM to improve DX, and developed a CLI so that I could run command and generated the SVG directly.

I'm happy that I finally finished this series of experiments and results this weekend.

demo-img-1 demo-img-2
demo-img-3 demo-img-4
Vitepress buildEnd example:
ESM script code example:
File endpoints example:
ESM script code example:

Related Links


CJS support ?

Not supported, waiting for upstream library natemoo-re/ultrahtml


I did it step by step according to the documentation of Astro, Vue and Vite, if you are interested, PR welcome πŸ€—

pnpm install
pnpm dev        # dev mode
pnpm x --help   # start up the CLI and development


MIT Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Q.Ben Zheng

I just try my best to make thing well.
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