Tested with:
- Anaconda 4.3.1, python 2.7.13 and python 3.5.2 (jupyter-1.0.0, IPython 5.1.0)
- Zeppelin 0.7.0 standalone
Install with pip install .
and then load sample notebook
Load NVD3
from nvd3_stat import Nvd3
nv = Nvd3()
nv.reloadNVD3(nvd3version="1.8.5", d3version="3.5.17")
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, 100)
l_df = pd.DataFrame({"X":x,
lc = nv.lineChart()
config={"height":500, "width": 1024, "color":nv.c20b()[10:13],
"yAxis":{"axisLabel":"f(x)", "tickFormat":",.2f"},
"xAxis":{"axisLabel":"x", "tickFormat":",.2f"},
"focusEnable": False, "duration":0}
lineAttributes={"area":[True, False, True], "fillOpacity":[0.2, 0, 0.2], "style":["dashed", "dotted", None]}
lc.plot(l_df[:70], "X", ["Sin", "Cos", "ArcTan"], lineAttributes, config)
Append data to the chart:
import time
for i in range(71,100):
Complete Notebook:
Visualisation part, called every batch
# define plot configuration
lmax = 20 # max loss to be plotted
config={"height":500, "width": 500, "color":nv.c10(1,0), "duration":0,
"xDomain":[0,training_steps],"xAxis":{"axisLabel":"Step", "tickFormat":",d"} }
aConfig = dict(yDomain=[0.95,1], yAxis={"axisLabel":"Accuracy", "tickFormat":",.3f"}, **config)
lConfig = dict(yDomain=[0,lmax], yAxis={"axisLabel":"Loss", "tickFormat":",.3f"}, **config)
# Create data in the correct format
def data(typ, x, y_test, y_train):
return {"step":[x], "train_%s"%typ:[y_train], "test_%s"%typ:[y_test]}
al = nv.lineChart()
# create a horizontal plot with two charts
al.hplot([al.chart(data("accuracy", 0, 0, 0), "step", ["test_accuracy", "train_accuracy"],
al.chart(data("loss", 0, lmax, lmax), "step", ["test_loss", "train_loss" ],
# append data to plots
def alAppend(i, a_train, a_test, l_train, l_test):
al.append(data("accuracy", i, a_train, a_test), chart=0)
al.append(data("loss", i, l_train, l_test), chart=1)