This is based on the fantastic work done by the webvtt-py , a Python module for reading/writing WebVTT caption files.
It also features caption segmentation useful when captioning HLS videos and is available at
Unfortunately I found that the webvtt-py library does not cope well when timestamps are in format of 0:0:0.0 vs 00:00:00.000 and gives an error
Therefore I made this simple ipynb file that reformats the timestamps of VTT (transcript file) that is usually produced together with video recordings from tools such as Microsoft Teams and uses the WEBVTT library to extract relevant information (start/finish times, speaker name, transcribed text) into a dataframe
The sample input file "SampleWorkshopTranscript.VTT" in this git repo came from a MS Teams meeting recording
The simple panda dataframe that is then exported into an output file : "cleaned_table.xlsx which is then used as input for a PBIX file to show case how these transcripts can be used to run a simple sentiment and key phrase word analysis thru Microsoft PowerBI's Text Analysis features
This github repo is accompanied by
A Youtube video
A Medium article