Source code for "A Generative Word Embedding Model and its Low Rank Positive Semidefinite Solution" (accepted by EMNLP'15) and "PSDVec: Positive Semidefinte Word Embedding" (about the use of this toolset, under review).
- Obtain 25000 core embeddings, into 25000-500-EM.vec:
python -w 25000 top2grams-wiki.txt
- Obtain 45000 noncore embeddings, totaling 70000 (25000 core + 45000 noncore), into 25000-70000-500-BLKEM.vec:
python -v 25000-500-EM.vec -o 45000 top2grams-wiki.txt
- Incrementally learn other 50000 noncore embeddings (based on 25000 core), into 25000-120000-500-BLKEM.vec:
python -v 25000-70000-500-BLKEM.vec -b 25000 -o 50000 top2grams-wiki.txt
- Repeat 3 a few times to get more embeddings of rarer words.
Pretrained 120,000 embeddings and evaluation results are uploaded.
Pretrained 100,000 embeddings and evaluation results are uploaded (now replaced by an expanded set of 120,000 embeddings).
Testsets are by courtesy of Omer Levy (