ZoomPhant Documentations. We are using just-the-docs, please visit Just the Docs (just-the-docs.com) for more.
You can run with a exist image
docker-compose -f docker-compose-from-image.yml up
You can build a docker image and start the document server locally
- Build image, under root directory, execute docker-compose build, this may take a while
- Start up service by docker-compose up
- Once started, you can access the documents locally following the direction shown in the console
- If you made any changes under docs folder, it will be dynamically reflect in the testing server
Note: by default, the started server will service by docker IP and all links will be given using that IP, in case you want to use something like a host name or DNS, you can try start the server by appending HOST=<hostname or DNS>, e.g. HOST=myserver docker-compose up
To release, just merge you changes into master branch and the changes will be deployed by GitHub to https://zoomphant.github.io