Quadtrees are, as the name suggests, tree-shaped data structures in which each node has 4 child nodes. For the purpose of collision detection, we let each of the 4 nodes represent a quadrant of a coordinate plane. We then let each node contain a list of items within its quadrant. When the list of items grows too long, the node is split into 4 quadrants, and its items are redistributed among them. This allows for us to recursively search the tree for items within a boundary. Performance-wise, this process is vastly superior to alternative implementations, such as search a 2D array.
There are other implementations for quadtrees in JavaScript, such as those by Mike Chambers and Silflow, but there is still ground to be broken. In particular, I aim to create an immutable quadtree implementation.
// Create a 200x200 coordinate plane
const range = boundary(0, 0, 200, 200);
let quadtree = Quadtree.create(range);
// Items must have x, y, width, and height properties
// So they should be boundaries
// Or something composed with boundaries
const item = boundary(5, 6, 1, 2);
quadtree = Quadtree.insert(quadtree, item);
// You can also batch insert items
const items = [
boundary(5, 6, 1, 2),
boundary(67, 24, 1, 1),
boundary(149, 121, 2, 1),
boundary(189, 76, 1, 1),
boundary(25, 195, 1, 2),
boundary(99, 0, 5, 2),
boundary(64, 120, 5, 7),
boundary(112, 57, 2, 2),
boundary(49, 49, 2, 2)
quadtree = Quadtree.batchInsert(quadtree, items);
const range = boundary(0, 0, 200, 200);
const viewport = boundary(50, 50, 100, 100);
let quadtree = Quadtree.create(range);
const items = [
boundary(5, 6, 1, 2),
boundary(67, 24, 1, 1),
boundary(149, 121, 2, 1),
boundary(189, 76, 1, 1),
boundary(25, 195, 1, 2),
boundary(99, 0, 5, 2),
boundary(64, 120, 5, 7),
boundary(112, 57, 2, 2),
boundary(49, 49, 2, 2)
quadtree = Quadtree.batchInsert(quadtree, items);
// [boundary(149, 121, 2, 1), boundary(64, 120, 5, 7), boundary(112, 57, 2, 2), boundary(49, 49, 2, 2)]
const results = Quadtree.search(quadtree, viewport);
quadtree = Quadtree.clear(quadtree);
$ git clone https://github.com/Zubry/immutable-quadtree.git
$ cd immutable-quadtree
$ npm install
$ npm run-script lint
$ npm run-script build
$ npm run-script test
$ npm test