FYI for those coming here, as of 03/2019 the bitly project is no longer getting updated and has been officially forked to a new project:
This new project has been getting updates and has it's own Docker image. If you're interested in using the latest and greatest, please check them out! Otherwise this repo + Docker image will stay as is 🙂.
This is a Dockerization of the handy dandy bitly OAuth Proxy.
Check out the bitly github page for more details on the different command line options that can be passed in.
This is also an automated Docker Hub build
First, configure your client secret/id/cookie secret in the docker-compose.yml
and replace all references to
with your domain.
Then simply run:
docker-compose up
The container will be built and an nginx proxy automatically configure to connect to the oauth2 proxy. Navigate to http://localhost:4180/ping to check out whether the proxy is up and running.
You will be asked to authenticated and if successful, redirected to the upstream nginx container serving a simple HTML page.
The following example assumes you have your upstream host located at upstream:80
docker run -P a5huynh/oauth2_proxy \
--cookie-secure=false \
--upstream="http://upstream:80" \
--http-address="" \
--redirect-url="" \
--email-domain="" \
--cookie-secret=<cookie-secret> \
--client-id=<client-id> \
By default I set the upstream and http-address to the following:
This allows us to easily configure our upstream or nginx proxy to those addresses.
Alternatively you can set the cookie-secret, client-id, and/or client-secret as environment variables using the following variables below:
OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET # The seed string for secure cookies
OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID # The Google OAuth Client ID
OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET # The Google OAuth Client Secret
docker run -e OAUTH2_PROXY_COOKIE_SECRET=<cookie-secret> \
-e OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_ID=<client-id> \
-e OAUTH2_PROXY_CLIENT_SECRET=<client-secret> \