The Online version is offline at the moment because it is not possible to access the API from the client with ember-data.js from a different URL. Cross-site HTTP requests are not allowed.
- Download client folder
- Start REST API (see next point)
- Change the IP address and port to the one of the API. Settings can be found in /js/app.js -> App.APIurl, App.APIport
- run index.html in your browser or mobile device simulator (optimized for iPhone 3G/4 and iPad)
The rest code is deployed on a herokuapp server. Links to the REST Services can be found on the wiki pages
- client: contains the webpages for the mobile client (singlepages)
- client_old: old structure of the web client (multipages)
- screenshots: screenshots of the client in the iPhone Simulator
- phonegap-android: phoneGap project to test client in an Android Simulator
- phonegap-windows: phoneGap project to test client in a Windows Phone Simulator
- lab3: submitted solution of lab3
- lab4: submitted solution of lab4
- wiki_docs: files for the wiki pages of the repo