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Go Blog

Built in Go 1.20

The app uses:

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Go to the project's root directory
  3. Rename app.env.sample to app.env and replace the values
  4. Run in your terminal:
    • docker-compose up --build to run the containers
  5. Now everything should be ready and server running on SERVER_ADDRESS specified in app.env


  1. Run the postgres container (docker-compose up)
  2. Run in your terminal:
    • make test to run all tests or
    • make test_coverage p={PATH} - to get the coverage in the HTML format - where {PATH} is the path to the target directory for which you want to generate test coverage. The {PATH} should be replaced with the actual path you want to use. For example ./api or
    • use standard go test commands (e.g. go test -v ./api)

API endpoints


  • /users - handles POST requests to create users.
  • /users/login - handles POST requests to log in users.


  • /tokens/renew - handles POST requests to renew the access tokens.


  • /category - handles POST requests to create categories
  • /category/{name} - handles DELETE requests to delete a category


  • /posts - handles POST requests to create posts.
  • /posts/{id} - handles DELETE requests to delete a post.
  • /posts/id/{id} and /posts/title/{slug} - handles GET requests to get post details.
  • /posts/all - handles GET requests to list all posts. Query params: page, page_size.
  • /posts/author - handles GET requests to list posts created by author with given name (that username or email contain given string). Query params: page, page_size, author.
  • /posts/category - handles GET requests to list posts from the given category. Query params: page, page_size, category_id.
  • /posts/tags - handles GET requests to list posts with given tags. Query params: page, page_size, tag_ids where tag_ids is comma-separated int format (e.g. &tag_ids=1,2,3).
  • /posts/{id} - handles PATCH requests to update the post.


  • /comments - handles POST requests to create a comment.
  • /comments/{id} - handles DELETE requests to delete a comment.
  • /comments/{id} - handles PATCH requests to update a comment.
  • /comments/{post_id} - handles GET requests to list comments of a post. Query params: page and page_size.



The API (HTTP gateway) documentation can be found at this swaggerhub page and (after running the server) at http://localhost:8080/docs/


The database's schema and intricate details can be found on dedicated webpage, which provides a comprehensive overview of the data structure, tables, relationships, and other essential information. To explore the database further, please visit this webpage. Password: bloggopassword


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