LLM RAG Search documents using Elastic Search and openai Chat with your own data
You need:
Python 3.10
OpenAI account
Install dependencies
We will use pipenv for dependency management. Let's install it: pip install pipenv
#Install the packages pipenv install tqdm notebook==7.1.2 openai elasticsearch
Start a new terminal, and there run jupyter:
pipenv run jupyter notebook
In another terminal, run elasticsearch with docker:
docker run -it
--name elasticsearch
-p 9200:9200
-p 9300:9300
-e "discovery.type=single-node"
-e "xpack.security.enabled=false"
Verify that ES is running
1- First, we need to download the docs:
wget https://github.com/alexeygrigorev/llm-rag-workshop/raw/main/notebooks/documents.json
2- Load and Seach teh Document
3- We need to create an Elastic Search index
4- Create a opeai client connection
5- Create prompt using our question and Elastic documents
6- Get reposnse from openai