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ML projects

Dog Breed Classifier

Built an algorithm to identify canine breed given an image of a dog. If given image of a human, the algorithm identifies a resembling dog breed.

Instruction: run jupyter file dog_project.ipnyb


The goal of this project is to train a smart-cab to make the right decisions at intersections and to reach its goal before timer expiry. Smartcab operates in an idealized grid-like city, with roads going North-South and East-West. Other vehicles may be present on the roads, but no pedestrians. There is a traffic light at each intersection that can be in one of two states: North-South open or East-West open.

Instruction: run jupyter file smartcab.ipynb

Creating Customer Segments

Reviewed unstructured data to understand the patterns and natural categories that the data fits into. Used multiple algorithms and both empirically and theoretically compared and contrasted their results. Made predictions about the natural categories of multiple types in a dataset, then checked these predictions against the result of unsupervised analysis.

Instruction: run jupyter file customer_segments.ipynb

Predicting Boston Housing Prices

Built a model to predict the value of a given house in the Boston real estate market using various statistical analysis tools. Identified the best price that a client can sell their house utilizing machine learning.

Instruction: run jupyter file boston_housing.ipynb

Finding Donors for CharityML

Investigated factors that affect the likelihood of charity donations being made based on real census data. Developed a naive classifier to compare testing results to. Trained and tested several supervised machine learning models on preprocessed census data to predict the likelihood of donations. Selected the best model based on accuracy, a modified F-scoring metric, and algorithm efficiency.

Instruction: run jupyter file finding_donors.ipynb