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Customer Churn Prediction


A small-sized startup is keen on reducing its customer churn and has hired you as a Machine Learning engineer for this task. Churn rate is a marketing metric that describes the number of customers who leave a business over a specific time period. Every user is assigned a prediction value that estimates their state of churn at any given time. This value is based on:

  • User demographic information
  • Browsing behavior
  • Historical purchase data among other information


As an expert, you are required to build a sophisticated Machine Learning model that predicts the churn score for a website based on multiple features.

Data description

The dataset folder contains the following files:

  • train.csv: 36992 x 25
  • test.csv: 19919 x 24

The columns provided in the dataset are as follows:

Column Name Description
customer_id Represents the unique identification number of a customer
Name Represents the name of a customer
age Represents the age of a customer
security_no Represents a unique security number that is used to identify a person
region_category Represents the region that a customer belongs to
membership_category Represents the category of the membership that a customer is using
joining_date Represents the date when a customer became a member
joined_through_referral Represents whether a customer joined using any referral code or ID
referral_id Represents a referral ID
preferred_offer_types Represents the type of offer that a customer prefers
medium_of_operation Represents the medium of operation that a customer uses for transactions
internet_option Represents the type of internet service a customer uses
last_visit_time Represents the last time a customer visited the website
days_since_last_login Represents the no. of days since a customer last logged into the website
avg_time_spent Represents the average time spent by a customer on the website
avg_transaction_value Represents the average transaction value of a customer
avg_frequency_login_days Represents the no. of times a customer has logged in to the website
points_in_wallet Represents the points awarded to a customer on each transaction
used_special_discount Represents whether a customer uses special discounts offered
offer_application_preference Represents whether a customer prefers offers
past_complaint Represents whether a customer has raised any complaints
complaint_status Represents whether the complaints raised by a customer were resolved
feedback Represents the feedback provided by a customer
churn_risk_score Represents the churn risk score that ranges from 1 to 5



See the document for the analysis done

Web App

The predictive model built in this project was deployed to a web app developed using Python/Flask for the backend and HTML/CSS/Bootstrap for the front end. Live site

Built with

  • Front-end: HTML/CSS, Bootstrap
  • Backend: Python/Flask
  • Deployment: Render
  • Machine Learning Algorithm: XGBoost classifier


For this project, having a Python version less than v3.12 on your system is preferable to avoid compatibility issues during dependencies installation. Python 3.10.11 was used in the project.
Check your Python version by inputting python --version in the command-line prompt.

Follow these steps to set up the development environment for the churn prediction project:

  1. Create a Project Directory:
    • Open your terminal and create a new directory on your local machine called churn_prediction: mkdir churn_prediction
  2. Navigate to this new Project Directory: cd churn_prediction
  3. Create a Python virtual environment inside the churn_prediction directory: python -m venv .venv
  4. Activate the Virtual Environment: .venv\Scripts\activate
  5. While still in the churn_prediction directory, clone this project repository into your local: git clone
  6. Navigate to the Cloned Repository: cd churn-risk-prediction
  7. Install all required dependencies using pip: pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. Start the Web Application. Run the following command to start the Flask web application: flask run