Deploy Azkaban Executor as Docker Container
Have taken some inspiration from :
This is the docker image for the Azkaban Executor
Has docker installed on your machine, If you're using Mac, Use this link for Docker Setup -
$ docker build --rm -f "docker/azkaban-web/Dockerfile" -t anandimmannavar/azkaban-web:2.0 --no-cache .
Building Docker Image for Azkaban Web Server
$ docker build --rm -f "docker/azkaban-exec/Dockerfile" -t anandimmannavar/azkaban-exec:2.0 --no-cache .
Building Docker Image for Azkaban Exec Server
Follow the steps to create user, grant permissions and also setup entire DB
Creating Azkaban user with default credentials by logging into MySQL Console, Run the following commands.
mysql> create user 'azkaban'@'%' identified by 'azkaban';
Once the user is created, Create a database name azkaban
mysql> create database azkaban;
Grant permissions to azkaban
user for azkaban
mysql> grant all privileges on azkaban.* to 'azkaban'@'%';
Once this is done, Let us create all the schema required for Azkaban.
$ mysql -uazkaban -pazkaban azkaban < <Project-Path>/azkaban-4.0.0/azkaban-db/sql/create-all-sql-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.sql
Follow the steps to make it working in your Mac
$ docker network create azk-net
This creates bridge network in your local
$ docker run --env AZK_MYSQL_HOST=host.docker.internal --network azk-net -d --rm -p 80:8081 anandimmannavar/azkaban-exec:2.0
Here we are running executor container and connecting it to the bridge network created azk-net
$ docker run --env AZK_MYSQL_HOST=host.docker.internal --network azk-net -d --rm -p 80:8081 anandimmannavar/azkaban-web:2.0
Running Azkaban Web Server and also connect this web server to azk-net
bridge network
Currently Executor auto register whenever it starts, but It will register with hostname (Container Id) instead of IP, So here is work around for now
Get the IP of executor
$ docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_name_or_id
and run the following command in MySQL after replacing the IP and Container Id mentioned