The PowerShell SQL Client module replaces the SQL Server utilities SQLCMD and BCP with native PowerShell commands.
For details, visit the GitHub Pages.
This module can be installed from PsGallery.
Install-Module -Name PsSqlClient -Scope CurrentUser
Alternatively it can be build and installed from source.
- Install the development dependencies
- Download or clone it from GitHub
- Run the installation task:
Invoke-Build Install
See the command reference for descriptions and examples.
# connect to a SQL Server using your current Windows login
Connect-TSqlInstance -DataSource '(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB'
# create a temporary table with the columns of your CSV file
Invoke-TSqlCommand 'CREATE TABLE #Test (Id INT NULL, Name NVARCHAR(MAX))'
# copy the data from CSV to the SQL table
Import-Csv 'test.csv' | Export-TSqlTable '#Test'
# connect to a SQL Server using your current Windows login
Connect-TSqlInstance -DataSource '(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB'
# get a scalar value from the database
[string] $databaseName = Get-TSqlValue 'SELECT DB_NAME()'
# connect to a SQL Server using your current Windows login
Connect-TSqlInstance -DataSource '(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB'
# get a result from the database and filter the first five by name
Invoke-TSqlProcedure 'sp_tables' @{ 'table_qualifier' = 'master' } |
Sort-Object TABLE_NAME |
Select-Object -First 5
Command | Description | Status |
Connect-Instance | Create a new database connection. | ☐ |
⮱ by Connection String | Use a custom connection string. | ☑ |
⮱ by Properties | Use specific properties for host, database, user, etc. | ☑ |
⮱ with AD credentials | Use integrated security | ☑ |
⮱ to Azure SQL | Connect to Azure SQL (token-based) | ☐ |
⮱ to Azure SQL | Connect to Azure SQL (AAD) | ☑ |
⮱ global connection | Save and reuse the connection | ☑ |
Disconnect-Instance | Close connection | ☑ |
Invoke-Command | Execute stored procedure or select data | ☑ |
⮱ Procedure instead of SQL text | Execute procedure by procedure name | ☑ |
⮱ SQL text from file | Execute sql command from file | ☑ |
Export-Table | Insert data | ☑ |
⮱ show progress | show how many rows already inserted | ☐ |
See the changelog file.
- This is a Portable Module based on PowerShell Standard and .NET Standard.
- VSCode is recommended as IDE. VSCode Tasks are configured.
- Build automation is based on InvokeBuild
- Documentation is based on platyPs
- Test automation is based on Pester
- Commands are named based on Approved Verbs for PowerShell Commands
- This project uses git-flow.
- This project uses keep a changelog.
- This project uses PsBuildTasks.
The build scripts require InvokeBuild. If it is not installed, install it with the command Install-Module InvokeBuild -Scope CurrentUser
You can build the module using the VS Code build task or with the command Invoke-Build Build
The tests scripts are based on Pester. If it is not installed, install it with the command Install-Module Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
. Some tests require a SQL Server. Therefore the module PsSqlTestServer is used, that can be installed by Install-Module PsSqlTestServer -Scope CurrentUser
. The test creates a SQL Server in a Docker container. If needed, install Docker. The container are created using PSDocker, which can be installed using Install-Module PSDocker -Scope CurrentUser
For local testing use the VSCode test tasks or execute the test scripts directly or with Invoke-Pester
The InvokeBuild test tasks are for CI and do not generate console output.
- Create a release branch using git-flow.
- Update the version number in the module manifest.
- Extend the changelog in this readme.
- If you want to create a pre-release.
- Push the release branch to github, to publish the pre-release to PsGallery.
- Finish release using git-flow.
- Check if tags are not pushed to github.
- Check if the release branch is deleted on github.
- Create the release on github.