Building a stateful web app using GCP architecture to deploy it in the GKE cluster using Terraform as infrastructure as code (IaC)
Develop and use your own Terraform modules to build the required infrastructure on GCP:
- a. IAM: 2 service accounts - N roles.
- b. Network: 1 VPC – 2 subnets – N firewall rules – 1 NAT.
- c. Compute: 1 private VM – 1 GKE standard cluster across 3 zones.
- d. Storage: Artifact Registry repository to store the images.
Deploy the MongoDB replicaset across the 3 zones
Dockerize and Deploy the Node.js web app connected to the 3 DB replicas.
Expose the web app using ingress/load balancer.
- GCP Account
- Terraform
- docker
- kubectl
Build application image by docker file and push to artifact registry
Initialize infra using Terraform
terraform init terraform plan terraform apply --auto-approve
After creating the GCP architecture we have to ssh to private-vm through IAP
gcloud compute ssh [vm-name] --tunnel-through-iap --zone=[zone-name] --project=[project-id]
Once you connect to your private VM, you can access the GKE Cluster
gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster-name] --zone [zone-name] --project [project-id]
- Deploy MongoDB (stateful)
- Deploy Node.js app
- Deploy LoadBalancer service