@kaznadc_bot kaznadc-telegram-bot
Telegram Bot, which will help Kazakhstan National Doping Committee to track their athletes.
Currently, KazNADC does not have any professional tools to gather this information and athletes do not have any tools to always provide it. Consequently, KazNADC ban those athletes, who stop providing any information and as a result, they cannot participate in Olympic Games. Moreover, not many athletes are acquainted with the list of forbidden substances, so they suffer from KazNADC’s punishment actions.
Press /start
to start using the bot
Press /cancel
if bot is not responding
Note! If bot is not responding try to use /start
as well
There is one file which I didn't include in this repository, because it's a Certificate file written in .json. Also, in some lines of code there are no String values because they represent private TOKENs and Certificates.
def main():
states = {
REGISTER: [MessageHandler(Filters.contact, get_user_data, pass_user_data=True, pass_chat_data=True)],
def get_user_data(bot, update, user_data, chat_data):
phone_number = update.message.contact.phone_number
first_name = update.message.contact.first_name
user_id = str(update.message.contact.user_id)
save_user_data(bot, update, phone_number, first_name, user_id)
It works the same as with contact information
def main():
states = {
LOCATION: [MessageHandler(Filters.location, get_user_location, pass_user_data=True, pass_chat_data=True)],
def get_user_location(bot, update, user_data, chat_data):
latitude = update.message.location.latitude
longitude = update.message.location.longitude
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import credentials
from firebase_admin import db
cred = credentials.Certificate("your certificate")
firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {
'databaseURL': db_url
ref = db.reference('users')
This method will save previously got data into Firebase Realtime Database
def save_user_data(bot, update, phone_number, first_name, user_id):
users_ref = ref.child(user_id)
'phone_number': phone_number,
'first_name': first_name,
'user_id': user_id
Bot is being hosted on Heroku. It's 24/7 available