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A powerful tool for analyzing hashtags with a focus on graffiti, urban culture, and location-based data. This project utilizes libraries like SpaCy and Geonamescache to process and classify hashtags into meaningful words and entities.

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This project utilizes various libraries, including SpaCy, Geonamescache, and Instagrapi, to process text data with a specific focus on hashtags and graffiti-related content. The goal is to parse hashtags into meaningful words, identify entities, and classify terms related to graffiti, cities, and railroad lingo.


1. Initialization and Setup

  • Geonamescache is used for city and country information.
  • Instagrapi handles interactions with Instagram data.
  • SpaCy is used for natural language processing. Custom extensions are added to SpaCy's Token class to include properties like is_city, is_graffiti_lingo, and is_railroad_lingo.

2. Wordlist Initialization

The initialize_words function loads wordlists from text files for:

  • General vocabulary
  • City names
  • Graffiti lingo
  • Railroad lingo

These wordlists are essential for parsing and classifying hashtags.

3. Parsing Hashtags

The pipeline processes hashtags using the following components:


Merges tokens starting with # or @ into single tokens.


Adds extensions to tokens, identifying if they are hashtags or mentions.


Splits hashtags into meaningful words using a recursive approach.


Identifies graffiti-related entities like writers and crews, and looks for specific patterns or keywords in hashtags.

4. Entity Identification Examples

How Hashtags are Split into Words and Entities

For example, the hashtag #freightgraffitiChicago is processed as follows:

  1. The hashtag is stripped of the # symbol.
  2. Words are identified sequentially from the beginning:
    • freight
    • graffiti
    • Chicago
  3. Each word is checked against predefined wordlists:
    • freight matches general vocabulary.
    • graffiti matches graffiti lingo.
    • Chicago is identified as a city using Geonamescache.

Identifying Graffiti Writers and Crews

  • Example: #mecro

    • The term mecro is identified as an out-of-vocabulary word (OOV).
    • If it is not part of the wordlist, it is classified as a graffiti writer.
  • Example: #mskcrew

    • The term msk is identified, and the suffix crew signifies it as a graffiti crew.

Common Hashtags in the Graffiti Community

  • #blackbook: Refers to sketchbooks used by graffiti artists to draft designs.
  • #burnersonthestreet: Highlights impressive or notable street graffiti.
  • #vandalsMexico: Represents graffiti or street art associated with Mexico.

Each of these hashtags undergoes the same processing pipeline to extract meaningful words and classify entities.

How it Works

Recursive Parsing of Hashtags

The parse_tag function recursively identifies words within a hashtag:

  1. The input string is split by dashes or processed as a whole.
  2. Words are extracted iteratively from the start of the string.
  3. Each word is matched against the wordlist or categorized as an OOV entity.

Setting Token Extensions

Custom extensions allow the program to annotate tokens with additional metadata, such as:

  • is_city: Whether the token represents a city.
  • is_graffiti_lingo: Whether the token is graffiti-related.
  • custom_entity_cat: Custom classification for unidentified entities.

Docker Integration

Dockerfile Setup

The application can be containerized to create multiple instances using Docker. Below is the Dockerfile used for building the image:

FROM python:3.11.0b4-buster

ARG _USER="spacy"
ARG _UID="1001"
ARG _GID="100"
ARG _SHELL="/bin/bash"

# Install apt dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    nano \
    git \

RUN useradd -m -s "${_SHELL}" -N -u "${_UID}" "${_USER}"

ENV HOME /home/${_USER}
ENV PATH "${HOME}/.local/bin/:${PATH}"

RUN mkdir /home/${_USER}/app && chown ${UID}:${GID} /home/${_USER}/app


COPY --chown=${UID}:${GID} config* /home/${_USER}/app
COPY --chown=${UID}:${GID} requirements* /home/${_USER}/app
COPY --chown=${UID}:${GID} ./* /home/${_USER}/app/

WORKDIR /home/${_USER}/app

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

CMD bash

Instructions for Running with Docker

Clone the Project

First, clone the repository:

git clone

Build the Docker Image

Run the following command to build the Docker image with the name hashtags (you can use any name you prefer):

docker build -t hashtags .

Create and Run a Container

To create and run a container, use the following command. In this case, we name the container hash1:

docker run -it --name hash1 -d hashtags

Optional: Use screen to Create a Session

If you want to keep the process running in a separate terminal session, you can use screen:

screen -S hash

Execute Commands Inside the Container

Run a specific script or test inside the container by specifying the container name and the MUID:

# docker exec -t [container_name] python -MUID=[MUID]
docker exec -t hash1 python -MUID=nearaxs_1_hashtagTop_9_48c69711

Example Output

After executing the process, you will see output indicating the script has started:

Initialize Words wl file
<class 'list'>
Initialize Words cities file
<class 'list'>
Initialize Words graffiti-lingo file
<class 'list'>
Initialize Words railroad-lingo file
<class 'list'>
Looking for caption in MUID: fr8porn_1_hashtagTop_9_3bf76f18
MUID found : 513

Benefits of Using Docker

  • Scalability: Run multiple instances of the application by creating additional containers.
  • Consistency: The Docker image ensures the environment remains consistent across deployments.
  • Ease of Use: The containerized setup simplifies the process of setting up and running the application.


This project provides a structured way to analyze hashtags, focusing on graffiti-related content. It identifies cities, graffiti terms, and unique entities like writers and crews, enhancing the understanding of social media data in this niche.


A powerful tool for analyzing hashtags with a focus on graffiti, urban culture, and location-based data. This project utilizes libraries like SpaCy and Geonamescache to process and classify hashtags into meaningful words and entities.







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