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Simple program to automatically download artifact attachments from a TeamForge server.


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Ticket Downloader Fx - TiDoFx

TiDoFx is a small JavaFX application that can automatically download every attachment of a TeamForge ticket into a user-definable directory.

TiDoFx screenshot.


When a developer starts working on a new TeamForge ticket, he or she needs to collect all the information contained in the artifact.

Besides typical fields like Description, Reproducibility, etc., tickets often contains extra files needed to better understand the problem. These files are called Attachments and are linked from the main ticket page.

TiDoFx was designed to speed-up the initial collection of all this information in a specific place in an ordered manner.


TiDoFx requires an updated Java 7 JRE to run.

Because of this requirement TiDoFx is distributed in two different packages that can be both extracted anywhere on your Hard Disk:

  • A self contained archive: This archive contains an embedded Java Runtime Environment. By providing a private version of Java, a JRE does not need to be installed. Use this version if you don't have Java or if you have an old version.
  • A simpler application archive: This archive contains only the application files and needs a properly installed JRE on the computer.

In both cases installation is very simple: just extract the archives somewhere on your HD and double-click on the Ticket Downloader.exe file.


The first time the application is run, it will create its own configuration directory in a system-specific location.

The program configuration data is stored in the following directories:

  • %APPDATA%\TiDoFx on Windows (e.g. C:\Users\JohnDoe\AppData\Roaming\TiDoFx).
  • ~/.tidofx on Linux.

This directory will contain the default configuration files but, until a proper Preferences Window is implemented, you must manually create one configuration file that describes the TeamForge servers that TiDoFx will use. This task is explained in the following Server configuration section.

Another configuration option that can be modified by the user is the name of the directory where all the attachments of a ticket will be downloaded. This name is generated by a JavaScript function defined in the dir-namer.js file located in the configuration directory.

More details on how you can customize the directory name can be found in the JavaScript file itself or in the following Ticket directory name customisation section.

Server configuration

Credentials for the TeamForge servers known to the user must be manually entered in a configuration file named servers.xml located in the configuration directory.

Here is an example of this file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <!-- **************************************************
         |  Simple string identifying the server.
         |  IMPORTANT: this id must be either "EB" or "ESO" !!!!!
         |             (without quotes)
         ************************************************** -->

        <!-- Longer name for the server -->
        <name>Internal TF server</name>

        <!-- Root URL of the server -->

        <!-- Username -->

        <!-- Password (optional) -->

    <!-- Add other server elements here -->

The password field is optional. If not provided the program will ask for a password the first time it is needed and cache it in memory for the rest of the session.

Once the servers.xml file is created in the configuration directory, the application can be used without further configuration effort if so desired.

Ticket directory name customisation

The logic for generating ticket directory names is implemented in a JavaScript file loaded by the application at run-time. The file is named dir-namer.js and is located in the application configuration directory.

This file can be edited to customise the generated names.

This file must contain the definition of a function with the following signature:

function generateName( ticket )

The function must return a string that represents a valid directory name where the ticket attachments will be saved.

This function will be called by the application for each ticket whose attachments must be downloaded.

The ticket argument provided to the function by the application is a Java object that contains many attributes of the ticket being processed. These attributes can be used to generate a directory name according to the user needs.

Besides the argument provided to the function at each invocation, the environment also contains the following global variables initialised by the application at startup:

  • S the String.js object containing many utility methods to operate on strings.
  • separator the platform directory separator character.

The S variable comes from the String.js library, a JavaScript library that provides useful extra methods to work on strings.

The separator variable contains the platform directory separator character. This character can be useful when creating directory names that contain more than one directory level. Such names can be useful for ordering ticket directories in the filesystem according to one of the ticket object fields.

The String.js library

The String.js library is available at

It is loaded in the JavaScript interpreter at startup and can be accessed using the global S object.

The first step to use the library is creating a String.js object from a native JavaScript string using the S variable:

var myString = S( 'I am a JavaScript string' );

Once a String.js object is created, methods can be called on it using a fluent interface. For example, to convert a native string to lowercase and extract the first 4 chars, we can do:

var result = S( 'I am a JavaScript string' ).toLowerCase().left( 4 );  // 'i am'

String.js objects imports all of the native JavaScript methods. This is for convenience. The only difference is that the imported methods return String.js objects instead of native JavaScript strings.

An overview of the JavaScript String object and its methods can be found here:

The use of String.js is entirely optional. If the regular native JavaScript string methods are enough for generating your directory name, it's OK to use only them and disregard entirely the S object.

Don't forget to read the section "Java vs. JavaScript strings" though.

The Ticket object

The ticket object provided to the function is an instance of the tido.model.Ticket Java class.

The useful attributes of this class are:

  • url
    The complete artifact URL (e.g.
  • id
    The artifact id (e.g. artf74149).
  • title
    The artifact title (e.g. [Screen] The buttons are not visible).
  • kpm
    The KPM number (e.g. 50478039).
  • tracker
    The Tracker that contains the ticket (e.g. Internal Interface Tickets).

As an example, the following function returns a directory name comprised only of the artifact id:

function generateName( ticket ) {

Java vs. JavaScript strings

All String attributes of the Ticket object are of type java.lang.String and not native JavaScript strings.

While the JavaScript interpreter makes using these objects very easy also from within a the JavaScript code, one must remember that the methods available on one of these objects are those of the java.lang.String class and not those of native JavaScript strings.

For example this call uses the Java method replaceFirst() that is not available on a native JavaScript string 'artf', '' );     // 'artf76749 ' -> '76749'

To use the String.js library, these Java String objects must be converted to native JavaScript strings to avoid exceptions at runtime.

This conversion can be done with statements like this:

var title = "" + ticket.title;    // title is now a JavaScript string

The concatenation of an empty native JavaScript string with a Java String object, provided by the JVM, forces the creation of another native JavaScript string that can afterwards be used in String.js methods.


Tools needed:

  • A recent Java 1.7 JDK (min. 1.7.0_25)
  • Gradle (not strictly necessary)

The project uses Gradle as build system but, to simplify development, the Gradle Wrapper is supported. If you don't want to install Gradle, just use the provided gradlew command like you would use the regular gradle command.


A distributable archive can be created wit the following command:

gradlew clean distribZip

When the command terminates, a zip file can be found in the build/distributions directory.

This archive contains the application and a bundled private JRE packaged together. The archive is big but it can be deployed on any machine regardless of local JRE availability.

Eclipse support

I am sorry but I don't use Eclipse to develop TiDoFx. Patches and comments are welcome.


This program uses:


TiDoFx is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Simple program to automatically download artifact attachments from a TeamForge server.








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