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Simple IM Server

  • Vendor go-micro and micro
  • Pure golang grpc client, in addition to pure HTTP client
    • Services are exposed via api using HTTP
    • Could add another API gateway as grpc reverse proxy (TODO)
    • SIMS can be started with bind address
  • Simplified proto naming
  • Reliable publishing: error correct and tracable
  • add go-micro & grpc debugging and tracing
  • Real world deployment
  • Performance testing
    • Preliminary conclusion: memory bound: 1G mem ~ 10k user
  • Authentication at API gateway with wechat
  • Authorization on event publishing

Directory Layout

  • bin/ build output
  • client/ client SDKs
    • . go-micro client for easy testing
    • go golang sdk
    • js typescript sdk
    • java java sdk
  • pkg/ reusable lib
    • codec ???
    • grpcproxy grpc transparent reverse proxy
    • go-micro modified go-micro base on v2.9.1
  • proto/ protobuf definitions
  • pub/ event publisher
  • server/ the sims server
  • micro/ the micro cli (modified)
  • tools/ dependent tools
    • bin protoc-gen-go protoc-gen-micro micro


  1. Start server with --pprof_address
  2. look for
  3. micro debug interface
    • micro call go.micro.srv.sims Debug.Health
    • micro call go.micro.srv.sims Debug.Stats
    • micro call go.micro.srv.sims Debug.Cache
  4. start with debug level logging
    • MICRO_LOG_LEVEL=debug bin/server --server_address :18080 --pprof_address :6060
    • MICRO_LOG_LEVEL=debug ./micro api --type srv