I'm Adam, a junior aerospace engineer at Texas A&M University, passionate about space exploration ✨
- Aqua Viva | Best Overall, NASA Pale Blue Dot Challenge | Mapping out groundwater level using machine learning and satellite/climatic data
- climateservAccess | A Python library I wrote and published on PyPI for accessing the ClimateSERV API
- Project Icarus | An interactive, educational website on NASA's Parker Solar Probe
- Fully-Optimized Organic-Inspired Degradable Structures (FOODS) | Research team optimizing the biodegradibility of plastic forks using FEA (see FOODS-Scripts)
- Team Vestigo | Crew Tracking for Space Analog Research (see Team-Vestigo)
- Avionics & Controls Subteam | TAMU Rocket Engine Design Team (see TAMU-RED-AVI)