A project intended for exploring with a local Kubernetes cluster bundled with popular open-source tools and example applications, simulating a real environment.
Use Terraform to set up a KinD (Kubernetes-in-Docker) cluster, applying Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) configurations, enforcing resource quotas, and defining limit ranges. Additionally, enhance the cluster's capabilities by installing tools such as Ingress-Nginx for traffic routing, Argo CD for continuous deployment, Prometheus for metrics scraping, Loki for log aggregation, and Grafana for dashboard visualization.
Deploy a pair of example applications across multiple environments, interact with their exposed endpoints, and delve into meaningful logs, metrics, and dashboards. Finally, interact with the cluster utilizing dummy user credentials to impersonate both application developers and cluster operators.
Run the simulation by following these steps:
- Cluster Provisioning - Creating a local Kubernetes cluster.
- Cluster-Level RBAC Configuration - Granting access to cluster-wide users and service accounts.
- Namespace Provisioning - Creating namespaces along with their resource quotas and limit ranges.
- Namespace-Level RBAC Configuration - Granting namespace-level access for users and service accounts.
- Cluster Toolkit Installation - Installing tools that extend the cluster's functionality.
- Application Deployment - Deploying example applications to the cluster.
Use the run.sh
script to run the simulation automatically:
./run.sh up
to run all steps, from cluster provisioning to application deployment../run.sh down
to remove all resources and destroy the cluster.
The following CLI tools are required for setting up and interacting with your local Kubernetes environment:
for resource provisioning.docker
(Docker Engine) for running cluster "nodes".kubectl
for interacting with the cluster.argocd
for deployment management.helm
for manifest file generation.kustomize
(built intokubectl
) for simplified manifest configuration.
This action creates a KinD cluster, which is a local Kubernetes cluster that uses Docker containers as "nodes".
We could use the kind
CLI tool to create the cluster,
but we will use terraform
to make it more like a real environment.
The cluster has one control-plane node and two worker nodes.
The control-plane node has ports 80
and 443
mapped to localhost
for the ingress controller to expose application endpoints.
terraform -chdir=cluster-provisioning init
terraform -chdir=cluster-provisioning apply -auto-approve
Setting cluster entry in kubeconfig for users to interact with the cluster:
kubectl config set-cluster k8slab --server $(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) --certificate-authority cluster-ca.crt
Setting root user credentials into kubeconfig to interact with the cluster:
kubectl config set-credentials k8slab-root --client-key root.key --client-certificate root.crt
kubectl config set-context k8slab-root --cluster=k8slab --user=k8slab-root
kubectl config use-context k8slab-root
kubectl auth whoami
kubectl auth can-i --list
This action grants access to cluster-wide users and service accounts. It includes granting cluster operator access for a user called Jane Ops, as well as establishing the service accounts responsible for subsequent cluster configurations, such as namespace provisioning, namespace-level RBAC configuration, and cluster toolkit installation.
terraform -chdir=cluster-rbac init
terraform -chdir=cluster-rbac apply -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var root_user_key=$(realpath root.key) \
-var root_user_certificate=$(realpath root.crt)
Jane Ops credentials:
openssl genrsa -out janeops.key 2048
openssl req -new -key janeops.key -out janeops.csr -subj "/CN=Jane Ops"
openssl x509 -req -in janeops.csr -CA cluster-ca.crt -CAkey cluster-ca.key -CAcreateserial -out janeops.crt -days 1
kubectl config set-credentials janeops --client-key janeops.key --client-certificate janeops.crt
kubectl config set-context janeops --cluster k8slab --user janeops
kubectl config use-context janeops
kubectl auth whoami
kubectl auth can-i --list
This action creates the namespaces that will host applications, enforcing resource quotas and limit ranges.
terraform -chdir=namespace-provisioning init
terraform -chdir=namespace-provisioning apply -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var namespace_provisioning_token=$(realpath namespace-provisioning.token)
This action grants namespace-level access for users and service accounts. It includes granting developer access for a user calles John Dev, as well as establishing the service account responsible for application deployment.
terraform -chdir=namespace-rbac init
terraform -chdir=namespace-rbac apply -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var namespace_rbac_token=$(realpath namespace-rbac.token)
John Dev credentials:
openssl genrsa -out johndev.key 2048
openssl req -new -key johndev.key -out johndev.csr -subj "/CN=John Dev"
openssl x509 -req -in johndev.csr -CA cluster-ca.crt -CAkey cluster-ca.key -CAcreateserial -out johndev.crt -days 1
kubectl config set-credentials johndev --client-key johndev.key --client-certificate johndev.crt
kubectl config set-context johndev --user johndev --cluster k8slab --namespace development
kubectl --context johndev auth whoami
kubectl --context johndev auth can-i --list
This action install tools that extend the cluster's capabilities in terms of networking, deployment, and monitoring.
The ingress controller is configured using localhost
to emulate a live domain.
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/ingress init
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/ingress apply -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var cluster_toolkit_token=$(realpath cluster-toolkit.token)
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/argocd init
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/argocd apply -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var cluster_toolkit_token=$(realpath cluster-toolkit.token)
kubectl config set-credentials k8slab-argocd-application-deployer --token $(cat argocd-application-deployer.token)
kubectl config set-context k8slab-argocd-application-deployer --cluster k8slab --user k8slab-argocd-application-deployer --namespace argocd
Argo CD CLI login:
argocd login --grpc-web --insecure argocd.localhost --username admin --password $(cat argocd-admin.password)
Argo CD user interface:
- http://argocd.localhost
- Username:
- The password is stored in the file:
sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_instances=256
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/monitoring init
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/monitoring apply -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var cluster_toolkit_token=$(realpath cluster-toolkit.token)
Prometheus user interface:
Grafana user interface:
- http://grafana.localhost
- Username:
- The password is stored in the file:
To explore with the cluster features, we will deploy two example applications:
- Hello World: A simple web application that will be deployed across multiple environments with distinct configuration.
- CRUDify: A microservice-based CRUD application designed to experiment with meaningful metrics, logs, dashboards, and other features.
The source code of the applications reside in the app-code
GitHub Actions watches for changes in these directories to test, build and push the Docker images to Docker Hub.
The deployment configuration of the applications reside in the app-deploy
Argo CD watches for changes in these directories to deploy and synchronize modifications into the cluster.
The Hello World application is a simple web application that displays a greeting message.
The default greeting message is Hello, World!
but it can be configured to display a different message.
The application is composed by the following resources:
- 1
with configurable number of replicas - 1
targeting the deployment pods - 1
with configurable host and path targeting the service - 1
to configure the greeting message
We'll use the Argo CD ApplicationSet
resource to generate 3 Hello World applications,
one for each environment (development, staging, and production).
Each application is configured to display a unique message, accessible via a distinct URL, and deployed with a different number of replicas.
Application | Namespace | Replicas | URL | Message |
hello-devs |
development |
2 |
http://dev.localhost/hello |
Hello, Devs! |
hello-qa-folks |
staging |
4 |
http://staging.hello.localhost |
Hello, QA Folks! |
hello-society |
production |
8 |
http://hello.localhost |
Hello, Society! |
kubectl --context k8slab-argocd-application-deployer \
apply --filename app-deploy/hello-world/argocd-application-set.yaml
argocd app wait --selector appset=hello-world
The Hello World application exposes a /healthz
which serves as a health check interface:
We'll await the return of a 200
HTTP status code from this endpoint.
for url in $urls; do
until [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' $url)" = "200" ]; do
if [ $retries -ge 3 ]; then exit 1
else sleep 10; fi
Open in your browser:
You can also interact using curl
curl http://dev.localhost/hello
curl http://staging.hello.localhost
curl http://hello.localhost
CRUDify is a CRUD application written in Python.
This application manages items
The API exposes four endpoints,
allowing clients to create
, read
, update
, and delete
An item consists of
a name
, provided by the client,
and an id
, assigned by the API.
Items are uniquely identified by their id
Creating or updating items is subject to name
which must match the pattern ^[a-zA-Z]{5,30}$
CRUDify uses MongoDB to store the items.
Unlike a monolithic application, CRUDify is designed to explore with a microservices architecture, being composed of multiple resources:
- 4
for the API. - 4
- one deployment for each API service. - 1
with 4 paths - one path for each API service. - 1
, 1service
, and 1secret
for MongoDB to store the items. - 4
to simulate the clients - one client for each API service. - 4
for Prometheus scraping - one service monitor for each API service. - 1
for Grafana dashboards.
API services:
: Listens for client requests tocreate
new items.item-reader
: Listens for client requests toread
: Listens for client requests toupdate
: Listens for client requests todelete
The API will be accessible at http://crud.localhost/api
The ingress resource is configured to ensure that incoming traffic directed to http://crud.localhost/api/<service>
is routed to the corresponding service.
When a service receives a client request via ingress routing, it forwards the request to one of its target pods, which perform the requested operation in the database, generate relevant information in the logs, update the application metrics, and return a response to the client.
Four client applications simulate real users:
These clients run as batch jobs on a cron schedule. In each execution, they perform a random number of iterations. For each iteration, they call the CRUDify API with random queries and data. Some random-generated data may fail validation, leading to expected bad request errors.
We'll use the Argo CD Application
resource to deploy the CRUDify application.
kubectl --context k8slab-argocd-application-deployer \
apply --filename app-deploy/crudify/argocd-application.yaml
argocd app wait crudify
Each API service exposes a /healthz
- http://crud.localhost/item-creator/healthz
- http://crud.localhost/item-reader/healthz
- http://crud.localhost/item-updater/healthz
- http://crud.localhost/item-deleter/healthz
Let's await the return of a 200
HTTP status code from these endpoints.
for url in $urls; do
until [ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' $url)" = "200" ]; do
if [ $retries -ge 3 ]; then exit 1
else sleep 10; fi
Clients interact with CRUDify's API via HTTP requests:
Method | URL | Data | Description |
http://crud.localhost/api/create |
{ name: string } |
Creates a new item |
http://crud.localhost/api/read/<query> |
Retrieves items matching the query | |
http://crud.localhost/api/update/<query> |
{ name: string } |
Updates items matching the query |
http://crud.localhost/api/delete/<query> |
Deletes items matching the query |
The <query>
parameter is a regex used to filter items by name.
For example,
retrieves all items.
You can interact with the API using curl
# Create item with name=FooBar
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"FooBar"}' \
# Read items with name=FooBar
curl -X GET \
# Update items with name=FooBar to name=BarFoo
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"BarFoo"}' \
# Delete items with name=BarFoo
curl -X DELETE \
The logs are directed to stdout and transiently stored in files on the cluster nodes. These logs are then collected by Promtail agents and forwarded to the Loki server, enabling easy visualization of logs through Grafana dashboards.
Logs for the last 30 minutes:
- Grafana >> Explore >> Select datasource:
>> Select label:namespace
>> Select value:crudify
>> Select range:Last 30 minutes
>> Run query - http://grafana.localhost/explore?schemaVersion=1&orgId=1&panes=%7B%22dHt%22%3A%7B%22datasource%22%3A%22loki%22%2C%22queries%22%3A%5B%7B%22refId%22%3A%22A%22%2C%22expr%22%3A%22%7Bnamespace%3D%5C%22crudify%5C%22%7D%20%7C%3D%20%60%60%22%2C%22queryType%22%3A%22range%22%2C%22datasource%22%3A%7B%22type%22%3A%22loki%22%2C%22uid%22%3A%22loki%22%7D%2C%22editorMode%22%3A%22builder%22%7D%5D%2C%22range%22%3A%7B%22from%22%3A%22now-30m%22%2C%22to%22%3A%22now%22%7D%7D%7D
The API services are instrumented to provide Prometheus metrics. Each service is equipped with its own service monitor, instructing the Prometheus operator on the targets to scrape for metrics. The metrics collected from these services can be visualized within Grafana dashboards.
Service monitor targets:
- Prometheus >> Status >> Targets >> Filter by endpoint or labels:
- http://prometheus.localhost/targets?search=crudify
Current number of items (gauge):
- http://prometheus.localhost/graph?g0.expr=sum(crudify_items_total)
Successfully created items (counter):
sum(crudify_http_requests_total{method="POST", status="200"})
- http://prometheus.localhost/graph?g0.expr=sum(crudify_http_requests_total%7Bmethod%3D%22POST%22%2C%20status%3D%22200%22%7D)
Average duration of successful item read requests (summary):
avg(crudify_http_request_duration_seconds_sum{method="GET", status="200"})
- http://prometheus.localhost/graph?g0.expr=avg(crudify_http_request_duration_seconds_sum%7Bmethod%3D%22GET%22%2C%20status%3D%22200%22%7D)
Average database latency by operation (summary):
avg by (operation) (crudify_database_latency_seconds_sum)
- http://prometheus.localhost/graph?g0.expr=avg%20by%20(operation)%20(crudify_database_latency_seconds_sum)
Other examples:
- All requests:
- Requests by method and status:
sum by (method, status) (crudify_http_requests_total)
- Item creation requests by status:
sum by (status) (crudify_http_requests_total{method="POST"})
- Items failed to create due to client error:
sum(crudify_http_requests_total{method="POST", status="400"})
- Items failed to create due to server error:
sum(crudify_http_requests_total{method="POST", status="500"})
- Successful requests by method:
sum by (method) (crudify_http_requests_total{status="200"})
This step involves deleting all resources in the cluster, which includes undeploying applications, uninstalling cluster toolkit, and removing RBAC and namespace configurations. Finally, the cluster itself is destroyed.
argocd appset delete hello-world --yes
argocd app delete crudify --yes
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/monitoring destroy -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var cluster_toolkit_token=$(realpath cluster-toolkit.token)
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/argocd destroy -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var cluster_toolkit_token=$(realpath cluster-toolkit.token)
terraform -chdir=cluster-toolkit/ingress destroy -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var cluster_toolkit_token=$(realpath cluster-toolkit.token)
terraform -chdir=namespace-rbac destroy -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var namespace_rbac_token=$(realpath namespace-rbac.token)
# terraform -chdir=namespace-provisioning destroy -auto-approve \
# -var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
# -var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
# -var namespace_provisioning_token=$(realpath namespace-provisioning.token)
terraform -chdir=cluster-rbac destroy -auto-approve \
-var cluster_endpoint=$(cat cluster-endpoint.txt) \
-var cluster_ca_certificate=$(realpath cluster-ca.crt) \
-var root_user_key=$(realpath root.key) \
-var root_user_certificate=$(realpath root.crt)
terraform -chdir=cluster-provisioning destroy -auto-approve
If for some reason previous cleanup actions failed, or if you lost a Terraform state, or even if you want a quick teardown, this script ensures that all Docker containers used as cluster nodes are stopped and deleted.
docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | grep "^k8slab-" | while read -r container_name; do
docker stop "$container_name" >/dev/null 2>&1
docker rm "$container_name" >/dev/null 2>&1
git clean -Xf