Description of model mechanics can be found in this google doc:
How to run model:
- Download all files in fullstack_template to local machine
- First, we need to build the React front end, which is locacted in the static folder - navigate into that folder in the terminal and then run the command "npm run watch"...this build the front end.
- Then, to actually run the whole app, we need to launch the flask (back end) server. This is done by first navigating to the server folder in the terminal (open a new terminal window to do this so that the React end is still running) and then running the following 2 commands in succession: "export", and then "flask run".
- After running those commands, the commnand line should verify the server is running locally at the following address:
- Open a browser window and paste the above address into it, and the app should load in that window.
- Click "Run Model" to run the model to populate the charts with the output
- Clicking the "Run Model" button again will re-run the model and produce new chart data (randomness built into the model means that a new run will have different results without modifying the input parameters).