- Aditi Diwan (aditid@vt.edu)
- Apoorva Srivastava (apoorva22@vt.edu)
- Ayush Roy (ayushroy24@vt.edu)
- Varshita Usem (varshitau@vt.edu)
Illuminate is an e-learning platform for working professionals who can learn on the job. Illuminate guides you from start to finish.
- Free Course recommendations and reading materials
- Potential Project topics and problem statements to work on
- Collaborating with in-house talent
- Helps build your profile for your industry
- Mentor guidance and support throughout your journey and beyond.
Link for Figma : (https://www.figma.com/file/XXI1vwZ1uY5NVspMBM9Tft/Illuminate?type=design&node-id=403%3A2&t=pYbiVyVmrlwuCefN-1)
- The user is on the Illuminate landing page
- The user signs up [S1]. The user will select the ‘Let’s go’ option on the welcome page[S2]. Follow the steps to create their personalized path[S3].
- [S1] User provides @username,@useremail,@createpassword.
- [S2]Options with why they are here page will pop up, and they can begin the journey toward their personalized path.
- [S3]Give input by selecting options popping on the screens and generate a path to cater to their needs.
[E1] Skips and goes directly to the home page.
- Step 1 - The user selects 'Let's Go' button the Welcome page.
- Step 2 - The user lands on the 'What brings you to illuminate?' page.
- Step 3 - The user selectes the option 'A. To learn real life implementation of skills'
- Step 4 - The user clicks on continue button
- Step 5 - The user lands on 'Where are you in your career right now?' page
- Step 6 - The user selectes the option 'A. Entry level ( 0-2 years)'
- Step 7 - The user clicks on continue button
- Step 8 - The user lands on 'What would you like to learn?' page
- Step 9 - The user selectes the option 'A. Back-end development'
- Step 10 -The user clicks on continue button
- Step 11 - The user lands on 'Back-end frameworks help build the back-end structure of a website. Which framework would you like to learn?' page
- Step 12 - The user selectes the option 'A. Spring Boot'
- Step 13 - The user clicks on continue button
- Step 14 - The user lands on 'Spring Boot is a Java framework for creating production-grade applications and services. Therefore, it is essential to have a good grip of Java to understand the concepts of Spring Boot. Would you like a Java refresher before starting Spring Boot?' page
- Step 15 - The user selects'Yes'
- Step 16- The user lands on generate path page
- Step 17- The user clicks 'Generate Path'
- Step 18 - The personalised course for the user is generated.
The user is supposed to get a personalised set of courses based on recorded inputs.