Nodebackup is a program written in Node.js. This program can save the data of a server (folder), docker container volumes and also kubernetes deploy volumes (you need to define the annotations)
Also we've added support of monitoring (icinga2), the nodebackup can send his state of backups to the monitoring throught icinga2 api.
We use for backup the duplicity or borg
We've build a docker container with nodebackup here
You need only to mount the id_rsa(ssh private key), crontab.tmp and config.yaml Show the example for docker-compose (docker-compose.yaml)
We have three differen type of server:
- Server - normalserver
- Docker Host - dockerhost
- Kubernetes deploy (this is the same, as the docker host)
- Starter,exec,server,client are different server
a. Starter started Nodebackup on exec.
b. Exec started a backupjob, defined in config.yml
c. The backupdate will be transferd through exec server
- Starter, exex/client, server exec and client are the same server.
a. Starter started Nodebackup on exec.
b. exec startet backupjob on the same server
Install Node.js, you need version 7 or higher (with support of async/await)
Install npm packages from packages.json
npm i
You need install a backup tool, that you will use, we recommendate borg.
You need to install duplicity on exec
You need the Borg verion > 1.1 - show the releases on Github
Install this on exec server
Install cifs, if you'll backup a samba share (for example windows share)
Open SSH Port between exec<->target, exec<->client. You can define another ssh port (default 22). The ssh port is defined in config file for each server
Authentification between starter, exec, target, client used ssh key. SSH key path is defined in config (starter/sshkey)
If the key not exist run on starter
ssh-copy-id {username}@exec
ssh-copy-id {username}@target
ssh-copy-id {username}@client
Now you can use this key for authentification. Add path of ssh key to config
Nodebackup will be copy this key to exec server, when backup job is completed key will be deleted.
You need to save the config.yml in the same folder as nodebackup. Config.yml is a file in YAML format, where saved the information for backups, like backup address, port and user.
Show example: config_example.yaml
sshkey: id_rsa
path: /var/log/backupexecv2
pids: /var/run/nodebackup
sshkey - path to ssh key
log - path to folder of log files
pids - the running backupjob create a pid file, if a pidfile exist, then an backupjob cannot start
disableOutput - disable table output, when backup is ready
Backup Server (Server, which save the backup)
passphrase: LkalmflkAJMAlkjfslk
HOST: backup2.domain.local
USER: admin2
PORT: '22'
backuppath: /a/target
backupfor: '["freepbx", "superdocker"]'
backuppartsize: 200
tmpdir: /tmp
prerun: '["echo backupserver_prerun1", "echo backupserver_prerun1"]'
postrun: '["echo backupserver_postrun1", "echo backupserver_postrun1"]'
provider: borg
borgcache: /backup/borg
borgcompression: zlib
backup2 - name of the server. You can define more the on backup server
HOST - DNS name of server. IP address is possible
USER - user for authentification
PORT - ssh port
passphrase - this option enabled the encryption (borg and duplicity)
backuppartsize (optional, duplicity) - size of backup archiv parts. If not defined, set to default (100mb)
backuppath - path where the nodebackup will be save backups. Example: /a/target/clientname/path-from-clientconfig-backup
backupfor - server from config/clientserver
prerun - a command to run befor start backup. You can run a script, that is saved on target server
postrun - a command to run after backup.
tmpdir - folder for temporary files of duplicity (only a backuppart)
provider - backup tool borg or duplicity
borgcache (optional, borg) - path of borg cache folder.
borgcompression (optional, borg) - possible settings - none(default), lz4 (super fast, low compression), zlib (medium speed and compression) or lzma (low speed, high compression).
Client server
USER: root
PORT: '22'
nextfullbackup: 1m
noffullbackup: 2
keepbackup: 60
backup: /var/spool/asterisk/backup/daily
prerun: '["echo prerun1","echo prerun2"]'
postrun: '["echo postrun1", "echo postrun2"]'
confprefixes: '["asynchronous-upload"]'
compression: "true/false"
passphrase: "lasdkfasdf0)!=LfkajsdfL"
sudo: true
path: /usr/lib/sftp-server
freepbx - alias of the server
HOST - DNS name of server. IP address is possible
USER - user for authentification
PORT - ssh port
noffullbackup(optional, duplicity) - number of fullbackups on server. Equivalent to duplicity "duplicity remove-all-but-n-full"
nextfullbackup(optional, duplicity) - age of a fullbackup.Equivalent to duplicity "full-if-older-than"
prerun - a command to run befor start backup. You can run a script, that is saved on target server
postrun - a command to run after backup.
confprefixes (optional, duplicity) - add paramater for rdiff-backup, more information in man rdiff-backup. You don't need to write "--"
sftpServer - if you will use sudo on client, you need to define where is sfpt-server (use command "whereis sftp-server")
compression (optional, duplicity) - default true
passphrase - duplicity passphrase, can now for each server or container defined
keepbackup(optional, borg) - delete all backups older then 60 days, equal "borg prune --keep-daily"
Docker Host configuration in config.yaml file
docker: "true"
HOST: superdocker.domain.local
USER: docker
PORT: '22'
Kubernetes configuration in config.yaml file
USER: root
PORT: 22
kube: true
namespaces: '["fortesting"]'
namespaces(optional) - if defined, the nodebackup will be show only this one namespace, it not defined, then nodebackup will be check all namespaces in k8s cluster. \
IMPORTANT you need to install the kubectl on server, the backupjob used this tool to delete and creat the k8s deploys.
image: httpd
hostname: backup-new-test-2
- /a/data/backup-new-test-2/httpdocs:/a/http
- /a/data/backup-new-test-2/httpconf:/a/conf
restart: always
backup: /a/data/backup-new-test-2
prerun: '["touch /tmp/id2.test", "echo test >> /tmp/id2.test"]'
postrun: '["cat /tmp/id2.test", "rm /tmp/id2.test"]'
strategy: 'off'
include: '[ "/a/data/backup-new-test-2/inc1", "/a/data/backup-new-test-2/inc2", "/a/data/backup-new-test-2/inc3" ]'
exclude: '[ "/a/data/backup-new-test-2/ex1", "/a/data/backup-new-test-2/ex2", "/a/data/backup-new-test-2/ex3" ]'
compression: "false"
startaftererror: "false"
failovercustom: "echo test"
passphrase: "lasdkfasdf0)!=LfkajsdfL"
name: backup-new-test
SET: "true"
PATH: "d$"
PASS: "AD User Pass"
DOMAIN: "example.local"
SMBVERS: "2.0"
nextfullbackup: "1W"
noffullbackup: "2"
backup: "/cephfs/derby"
strategy: "off"
passphrase: "containerPASS"
name(optional) - name of container in backup, if not defined then the backupjob will be use the name of container.
SMB - Samba Config
PATH - Path on server (like \server\d$)
PASS - AD User Pass
DOMAIN - AD Domain
SMBVERS - Samba version (cifs param vers=2.0/3.0/etc.)
include/exclude - includes and excludes can used for files (if providers borg) or folders (both provider)
strategy: off - container/s or deploy will be shutdown befor backup (docker-compose -f /path/docker-compose.yml stop) and start again after backup
strategy: on - backup will be run without shutdown the container or kubernetes deploy
startaftererror - start container after error (prerun,postrun,backup). Default true
passphrase - duplicity passphrase, can now for each server or container defined
failovercustom - if container commands prerun,backup,postrun run in a error, then you can define a failovercustom command, the normal command is "sudo docker start CONTAINERNAME" \
other option are equivalent to clientserver configuration
Prerun and postrun will be run on docker host not in container, if you will run a command in conainer you can use "docker exec":
prerun: '["sudo docker-run exec -it containername command"]'
#:/nodejs/nodebackup$ node BackupExecV2.js -h
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-b, --backup start backup
-e, --exec [exec] server, which start backup job
-t, --target [target] single server for backup
-s, --server [server] backup server
-d, --debug debug to console
-f, --debugfile debug to file
node BackupExecV2 -b -e backup2 -s backup2
I've used here backup2 as exec and target server
With "-t name" can you make a single backup
node BackupExecV2 -b -e backup2 -s backup2 -t freepbx
node BackupExecV2 -b -e backup2 -s backup2 -t backup-new-test
The backup job can send, the state of backup on icinga2. You don't need create the host and services for this on icinga2 server, this will be create automatically from nodebackup.
The backup server (server where the backups will'be saved) are registred as a host and for each backupjob, that was saved on backup server, was created a service with state of backup.
The screenshot show us, that the backup server "backup2" have running two backupjobs - one is okay, the other one is with error (prerun command was not found). \
We need this for working with monitoring.
- Create a template for icinga2, that will be used from nodebackup. Show the file "backup-host.conf"
- Added api user in icinga2. You can use our icinga2 docker image
- Added the settings for icinga2 in config.yaml configuration. Show the example configuration "config_example.yaml"
sshkey: id_rsa
path: log
pids: pids
# disableOutput: 'true'
monitoring: 'true'
hosttemplate: 'backup-host'
srvtemplate: 'backup-service'
monserver: ''
monport: '5665'
monapiuser: 'root'
monapipass: 'PASS'
hostgroup: 'adito'
servicegroup: 'adito'
Name | StartTime | ElapsedTime | Increment Files Size | Total Size changed | Errors | Backup Type |
superdocker/backup-new-test | Thu Nov 2 15:35:10 2017 | 6.48 (6.48 seconds) | 153586372 (146 MB) | 151442655 (144 MB) | 0 | duplicity |
Name | StartTime | Endtime | Compressed Size | Changed Files Size | Original Size | Backup Type |
superdocker/backup-new-test | 2017-11-02T15:30:03.000000 | 2017-11-02T15:30:11.000000 | 75.419186 MB | 75.419186 MB | 153.592301 MB | Borg |